Page 39 of The Summer of Wild

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With that, Clementine glides out of the salon and disappears down the street.

"I want the Hollywood," Fanny slams the clipboard down in front of me. "I want it all gone. Every last inch of it."

"I'll let Pierre know," I say as I let out the breath I was holding.

"You do that," Fanny snaps.

This is just the Fanny show, and we're all living in it.

Chapter 10

The Movie Theatre

I take a picture of the dashboard, zooming in on the odometer reading and gas gauge. Queen Isla is taking my car tonight for Girl's Night Out while Frank the Fornicator works the late shift at the grocery store. I didn't think Isla had any friends, but I guess she's made some lifeguarding at the pool this summer. I give it a month or two before they see the real Isla—selfish, self-absorbed, and insensitive. Then, they'll drop her faster than Wilder drops his pants for a back alley blow job.

"Have fun," I force a smile as I hand Isla the keys. "And don't forget to put gas in it when you're—" but she slams the car door shut, cutting me off, "done using it."

"That was brutal," Wilder predictably pops up over my shoulder.

"Why are you standing on two feet?" I narrow my gaze as I turn to face him, my eyes shifting from his stupid tanned face to the worn Vans he wears everywhere.

"Because I'm not a dog?" He tilts his head to the side, confused.

The sound of car tires burning out on asphalt causes me to roll my eyes. Queen Isla and her theatrics. When will her tyrannical reign end?

"No," I shake my head, focusing back on Wilder, "why aren't you in a car? Your mom's car, more specifically."

His eyes widen. "Shit."

"You had one job," I groan. "And you couldn't even do it?"

"She had to rush into work," he explains. "The hospital is short-staffed. I was helping my grandpa mow the lawn when she left. I forgot. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I blow out a tired breath before glancing at Dad's car in the driveway. "Let's go ask Jason if we can borrow his."

"You're sure?"

I lick my lips. "You owe me, Cox. You owe me big time."

"I'll make it up to you," he nods. "I promise."

I hold up a hand. "Don't promise me anything. No one keeps their word anymore."

"Cash sure did a number on you," he shakes his head as he slips his phone out of his pocket, probably checking to see if his heartless bestie sent him a message.

"Touché," I raise an eyebrow at him.

Mom and Dad are binge-watching The Bachelor when we find them cuddled on the couch with a six-pack of beer and an empty pizza box. Honestly, if I don't find a man who watches trashy reality TV with me while stuffing my face with junk food, then what's the point of living?

Side note: Cash Allred doesn't eat greasy, processed, or junk food, and he always refused to watch reality TV with me. The warning signs were so obvious. How did I miss them?

"Jason!" Mom slaps his knee. "This is the girl! I read on that blogger site that he chooses this one."

"Why do you always ruin it, Jill?" Dad drops his head.

"Um," I cough, announcing my presence. And Wilder's.

"Oh!" Mom sits up, eyeing the boy standing next to me who is not Cash. "Are you going to introduce us to your latest suitor?"
