Page 65 of Vicious Reign

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“Tellme again how you found the apartment.”

Dante does a poor job stifling his sigh. “It’s through the family that takes care of the Hampton house. And before you ask, I had them vetted before I brought them in, and I routinely sift through their online footprint to make sure they didn’t flip. They work with a few other families who value their privacy, and one of those people owns properties. It was easy enough to dig through the apartments listed. We should be fine for a few weeks, at least until we can secure a new location.”

I nod along with him. “I want the upgraded security in the new place.”

“Don’t insult me, Matteo,” he snaps.

Dante’s usually so calm all the time, even-keeled in the most stressful situations. Except when it comes to her. Then it’s like he’s a whole different person, emoting freely. For him, anyway.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “I’m sorry. I haven’t slept in days and we’re heading into a fucking war while we sit around waiting to be picked off.”

I stare out the window as Dante weaves in and out of traffic. The sooner we get to the meeting my father called, the sooner we can get back to Madison.

I exhale, anxiety twisting my gut into knots. “Our streets and family restaurants—even our fucking homes have become battlefields. Innocent people are going to die because of this. And for what? Money? Territory? Fucking clout?!”

His hands grip the wheel as we take a corner too fast. “What do you suggest we do then?”

I drag my thumb across my bottom lip. “I just don’t know. We’ve already had to move up our plans. I’m afraid if we push too hard too soon, we’re going to lose the alliances we currently have. And then we’re really fucked.”

“Wars can last years. Do you want to stay under Angelo’s thumb for another three years? Five? And what if the next innocent person to get caught in the crossfire is Maddie. Then what, hm?”

My hands ball into fists and I cut him a glare.

He lifts a shoulder. “You’re an idiot if you didn’t realize that was a possibility.”

“I fucking know it’s a possibility. But it’s not something I want to think about, let alone put it into the universe or whatever it is that she says all the time.” I straighten my cuffs, tugging the shirtsleeve down so it lays underneath my suit jacket. “So let’s just get through this meeting and get back to them.”

“Speaking of Angelo, what are you planning on telling him when he asks about your mysterious fiancée?”

My chest feels tight at the thought of my father in the same room as Cherry. I brush invisible lint off my jacket and look out the windshield. Streets and cars streak by in colors. “I’m hoping he’ll be too distracted by what happened to Vitale. His thirst for retribution should outweigh everything else.”

“And if it doesn’t?”

“Then I’ll figure it out. Lie if I have to.”

“That should buy us a little time.” He drums his fingers along the steering wheel. “And I know you don’t want to, but we need to bring Rafe in. Let him start cashing in on some of those favors he’s been cultivating for years.”

A muscle in my jaw flexes. “I know.”

“He’s ready, Matteo. We should’ve brought him home years ago.”

It’s not anything new, but still, the reminder of how I failed my brother feels like he’s poking at an open wound. It fucking stings.

I clear my throat. “He’s here now.”

“Is he though? Where has he been sneaking off to at night?” Dante cocks his head to the side.

I blink a few times, stuffing my surprise down deep. “Can’t say that I know, but let’s find out, yeah? Discreetly, of course.

“Of course,” Dante says with a tip of his head.

“And then, we finish our fucking coup.”

* * *
