Page 19 of Obsession

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“High. You’re being targeted.”

“What?” She sucked in a sharp breath. Her eyes widened in horror or surprise; I couldn’t tell. “No. It’s a mistake.”

“It’s not. Someone took out a contract to have you killed.”

Her golden skin blanched, and she grabbed the cup again. Unscrewing the lid, she downed the rest of the alcohol in one gulp. My lip twitched into an almost grin.

“That makes no sense. Why would someone want to hurt me? I’m no one important.”

“I’ve never met anybody who wasn’t important before.”

The color came back to her cheeks. Her mouth pulled into a small smile. “Doctor Who. Cute.” She chuckled, and my heart raced. She tilted her head, examining me. I felt her gaze like a physical touch, but it didn’t make my skin crawl. It made it tingle. “How do you know this?”

“I looked into you. When I heard about the contract, I came to find you. It was dumb luck I got here in time.” I watched her, waiting to see how she’d react.

I knew it wasn’t normal to run a background check on someone who saved my life. Even worse, to spy on them for a week. Would she get angry? Call me ungrateful?

Her brows furrowed. “Why?”

“We had to ensure your silence about the other night.” I shrugged, telling her only the truth she needed to know. “I had to protect my family.”

Her face contorted for a moment like I’d hurt her feelings. It was an expression I knew because I did it a lot. “I told you I wouldn’t say anything.”

My body felt restless. I wanted to close the distance between us. But I didn’t know how to do that. How to touch her, like Vander and Grace did. Of course, they were married. It was weird to feel the urge with someone I barely knew.

“I believe you, now. I know I can trust you.” She probably didn’t understand how difficult those words were for me to say. I trusted three people in this world. Angelo, Vander, and Cole.

I had some faith in their wives because of their association. I accepted that Cade, Ryder, and Zara were also likely trustworthy. But most people still found a way to disappoint. To hurt me, even if they didn’t realize it. Even if they were friends. Family.

My father had taught me that. Beat the lesson into my skin.

“Do you trust me?” My fingers curled into the counter. It was an unfair question. I’d done my research on her. Watched her. She knew nothing about me.

She laughed, and a stab of pain burst inside me. But it was quick and short, like the sound she made.

Her gaze focused on me again. A serious expression in those dark chocolate eyes. “You’ve saved my life twice. I feel like I have to trust you.”

My heart raced. The ropes around my chest released ever so slightly as I rounded the counter. I extended my hand for her to grasp before realizing what I was doing. “Then come with me.”

“Where?” She was quick to place her palm in mine. Her skin was smooth. Her touch soothing, but it still had fissures of electricity shooting through my body. The sensation wasn’t unpleasant.

“To see my brothers.”



My eyes fell to a few red drops on the sidewalk in front of my apartment. The sight sent my stomach somersaulting. My mind reeled with everything Nathan had told me.

“Come on.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, guiding me to a sleek black car parked at the curb.

It appeared unassuming, but I’d grown up with money. Socialized with people who had even more. So I knew it might look ordinary, but it was expensive.

He opened the door, and the scent of leather hit me. It mixed with the clean scents that clung to his jacket I was still wearing. The combination soothed me as I slid into the seat.

I was used to being calm in crazy situations. There was a sense of detachment when I treated other people. But it was different when you were the one being hurt. Targeted.

Nathan got into the driver’s seat, and the car purred to life. I waited for him to say something. I’d already noticed he enjoyed telling me random facts. Maybe it was a nervous habit, but I liked it.
