Page 20 of Obsession

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The idea that I made him nervous was laughable. He was gorgeous. A streetlight cast shadows over his face, highlighting his carved jaw and making his blue eyes brighter. He had that thick light brown hair that swooped over his forehead.

Not to mention he was fit since he’d fought two guys for me. My pussy throbbed when I thought about it. Some primal instinct coming to life. No one had protected me before.

My thighs squeezed together as I turned in my seat to look at him. I tried to make out his muscles through his plain gray t-shirt, but it was too dark. I could remember, though. The lean ridges of his defined abs. That V cut leading below his pants.

The ache between my legs intensified. I should be thinking about the guy who’d hurt me. But I couldn’t force myself to do it. My distraction was much more fun.

And maybe I was afraid I’d panic again. Only this time I couldn’t just quit my job. I’d have to leave my whole life if I wanted to run.

Still, lusting after a dangerous man who I didn’t know wasn’t any smarter. Problem easily solved. I’ll get to know him.

“What’s your last name?” His eyes met mine at the question, then shifted back to the road.


“Nathan Kent.” A gruff noise rumbled up his chest as I repeated his whole name. My nipples tightened under my thin tank top, responding to the sound. I was thankful I had both his jacket and my sweatshirt to hide them.

“Wait, Kent?” My mind clicked into gear. “You’re like…”

“Rich.” He provided.

“Famous. At least in Sayton City.”

Everyone knew the Kents. They were a bunch of handsome billionaire businessmen who donated a ton of money to charity. They were everywhere. Funding the library and community centers. Giving to domestic violence shelters. Hell, there was an entire wing of the hospital named after them.

“Infamous.” He stated.

“Not that I’d ever heard.” But now I questioned that. Everything I’d seen since meeting them told me they were criminals, not the city’s most eligible billionaires. Except, weren’t they all married?

My gut tightened. Was Nathan married? Did he have a tall model wife at home waiting for him? Someone who would look beautiful on his arm, not cute?

I had no right to be jealous. I had no claim to the man I’d helped save. And he’d certainly paid me back in full. Still, the idea had a sour taste coating my tongue.

“We work hard to keep our real endeavors quiet.” His tone was smooth. Almost clinical. I liked it. “To the world, we make good business investments. We own profitable nightclubs and hotels. But behind the scenes, we sell weapons. Renting out the time of women who enjoy the security of a middleman. But we make the most profit by lending money to the rich and charging a heavy interest when they can’t pay it back.”

“Women?” My voice cracked and the safety I’d felt splintered.

His brows furrowed as he glanced at me. “Yes.”

My fingers fumbled for the car handle as panic clawed at my chest. I wasn’t afraid of him. Or I hadn’t been until this moment. But he spoke about selling women so plainly. Like we were objects. A carpet or a lamp for your desk.

Oh, god. How fucking stupid was I to get in a car with a strange guy? He said I was in danger and I just believed him. What if this was their game? Trap vulnerable women and sell them.

Bile rose up my throat, and I pulled on the handle. But the plastic didn’t latch. It slipped through my fingers, so I yanked harder. It still didn’t open.

“The safety locks are on.” Nathan’s cool voice that calmed me a second ago now crept down my spine, chilling my bones.

“Let me out of the car.” I didn’t scream, but my tone was like steel. There was no misinterpreting what I was saying. I wouldn’t show him my fear. I refused.

“We’re almost there.” He didn’t seem to notice my distress or didn’t care. “You’d get hurt if you opened the door. And that would be a tragedy.”

My stomach flipped because his weird phrases that I’d interpreted as being oddly endearing now sounded scary. “No less hurt than I’ll get with you.”

As the car rolled to a stop at a light, he turned to face me. My back hit the door as I scooted away from him. One hand circled behind me, still pulling at the handle like it would magically open. I held the other in front of my body, like that would keep him away.

My chest heaved, trying to bring air inside as anxiety weaved its way around my lungs. A deep line appeared between Nathan’s brows as he took me in. His gaze bounced from my frantic pulling on the door to my scattered breaths.

“Are you scared of me?” His serene blue eyes made me want to say ‘no.’ They were so pretty and honest. But as my mother said, ‘The devil doesn’t come to you as his true self. He comes as everything you’ve dreamed of.’
