Page 41 of Obsession

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I barely got a glimpse of a gorgeous entryway with hardwood floors and beige paint on the walls before I was rushing up the stairs to keep up with him. The house had a warm, inviting feel that surprised me. The carpet was plush as I followed him down the hall to a bedroom.

“The doctor is here.”

“I’m fine.” The redhead I’d met briefly sighed as we walked into the room. “You didn’t need to wake—.” She blinked as she looked at me, trying to remember what my name was.

“Lark.” I smiled because I don’t think we’d gotten that far. “And you’re?”

She rubbed her large stomach. “Extremely pregnant with a worry wart husband.” She rolled her eyes, but I saw the affection as Vander placed his hand on her belly. He leaned forward, kissing her forehead. Her smile brightened. “Grace. I’m Grace.”

My heart ached as I watched them. I never wanted kids. My parents didn’t seem to enjoy it too much. I had a hard enough time just taking care of myself.

But I envied the obvious love they shared. Having a partner who worried about you. Who supported you. It was nice.

“So what’s going on, Grace?” I moved to the side of the bed, waiting to see what I’d need to do.

“I had a little bleeding when I got up to pee.” Her exhale shook, and she grasped Vander’s hand tighter. She might be playing it cool, but she was worried too.

“That can be scary, but it could be nothing. Let’s do an exam.” Before I could ask for it, Nathan was placing the bag I’d brought on the dresser. Now, it made sense why he’d told me to grab it. Because we weren’t going to the well-stocked room at the club.

I slipped the blood pressure cuff on Grace’s arm as I asked her questions about her pregnancy. How far along she was. If she’d had any complications. Pregnancy wasn’t my specialty, but I’d done a rotation in every area while in residency.

“Everything looks wonderful. Baby’s heartbeat is strong.” I said as I pulled the stethoscope off her stomach. She let out a relieved breath. “Could be a few different things. Your body getting ready to deliver. Or sex.”

Her cheeks turned bright red, and I couldn’t hide my chuckle. Vander shifted on the bed. “No worries. Maybe just calm it down a little until the baby comes.”

“Thank you so much, Lark.” She grasped my arm. Her eyes shone with emotion. “I’m sorry we dragged you here, but I hate hospitals.”

“You can call me for anything.” And I meant it. Like Nathan predicted, I liked her. I liked her honesty and easy humor.

They didn’t feel like a bunch of criminals. They seemed like a loving family. And something inside me ached to be a part of it.



Lark’s laughter filtered through the room. The sound soothed the chaos inside me. Stilled my thoughts.

My gaze roamed her features as she sat at the table tucked under the kitchen window at Vander’s house. She smiled and engaged Grace in conversation.

She looked good here. Like she fit. Like she belonged.

A vise wrapped around my heart and squeezed.

“Thanks for bringing her.” Vander grasped my shoulder. I let him give me a shake before I moved out of his reach. It might be a friendly, reassuring touch for him, but the heat lingered on my skin.

Normally, he wouldn’t have touched me at all. But his defenses were down today. His emotions high because he thought his wife was hurt.

I’d once questioned the feelings he’d had for Grace. The acceptability of their match. I was starting to understand it now. Because as I looked at Lark, I knew nothing would keep me from her.

No rules. Or societal expectations. No other man. I just had to make her realize it.

“Looks like they’re making friends.” He smiled as he sipped his coffee. He winked, but I didn’t know what the hidden meaning was, so I nodded. “What are your plans today?”

“I’ll be with Lark as she works. I can get my spreadsheets done while she teaches.”

“Are you coming with me to the Gala?” Lark’s voice didn’t surprise me. I’d been observing her from the corner of my eye, so I’d known when she’d stood. Her warmth spread through me as she moved to stand by my side at the kitchen island.

“I’ll be watching.” I’d have to find out the venue from her and set up cameras. But it should be easy enough. They might even have a security system I can break into.
