Page 63 of Obsession

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My mouth went dry. My chest tightened. Butterflies exploded in my stomach. I didn’t know if it was fear or excitement swirling in my gut, pushing through my veins.

I liked Nathan a lot. More than I should, but love. Love was something that needed time to develop. That’s what I’d always believed.

But then what was this need to be around him? This possessive feeling digging its claws into my heart? The fierce protection I felt when someone insulted him? Was it love?

I dropped the mouse like it had bitten me. Too afraid to answer those questions. Not now.

I must have clicked something because the search engine minimized. Instead, the cameras from my apartment appeared on the screen. I saw my kitchen and living room. My balcony and front door. A few angles in my bedroom.

Wait; a few?

I only remembered one. I grabbed the mouse again, clicking to expand the images. Besides the camera capturing the entire room, there was another one focusing on my bed. I kept clicking, finding more views of the couch in the living room. The stove. It dawned on me that the cameras were connected to the lamps in my apartment.

When had he installed these? Why?

My stomach plummeted. My heart followed its path. This is what Alessandra had meant about him not being normal. This was the extreme I hadn’t seen because I’d been attracted to him. I’d ignored the red flags.

Nathan was stalking me.

“Lark.” I jumped as he said my name. My pulse raced as I whipped around to find him standing in the open door.

He looked so fucking good. The moonlight sliced across his bare chest, highlighting his abs and the V cut that led down. Sleep had disheveled his sandy brown hair. His features were so handsome it almost hurt to stare at him.

But I couldn’t look away. Until he took a step towards me, breaking the connection.

I pushed the chair back as far as I could. My mind screamed at me to run. To stay. To go to him. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t trust my instincts anymore.

“You’ve been watching me?”

His head tilted in shame, but those clear blue eyes held my gaze. “Yes.”

He didn’t lie, of course he wouldn’t. Even if the evidence wasn’t in front of me, he still would’ve told the truth. “How long?”

“Since we met. I saw you at the bar before you noticed me. That was all it took. One look and I was addicted.” Goosebumps broke out on my skin as he crossed the room. The chair creaked, but there was nowhere for me to go.

I waited for him to grab me. Hurt me. My mind was so crazed I didn’t know what I expected.

But then he dropped to his knees. His hands hovered over my thighs, before he grasped my bare leg like he couldn’t stand not touching me. Awareness shot through my veins as his warm palms connected with my skin.

I felt that touch everywhere I shouldn’t. My pussy clenched and my nipples tightened. But I couldn’t stop my response to him. It was involuntary. Natural.

“It was your voice that drew me in. I needed to keep hearing it. I followed you.” His thumbs stroked my knee where I had a smattering of freckles. “I don’t believe in fate, but something brought us together. It was the right timing. I was there to keep him from hurting you.”

I didn’t believe in fate either, but I couldn’t deny that Nathan had saved my life. Twice. Realization slammed into me.

“You were watching? That night I was attacked outside my apartment. That’s how you knew.”

“No. I’ve never lied to you.” He tightened his grip on my legs like he was emphasizing his words. “Our associates actually did get a job offer to hurt you. But I had the cameras in your place by then and when I noticed you were gone, I had to make sure you were okay.”

His eyes shined with worry. Nathan always told the truth. I believed him.

But I was struggling to understand that he’d felt deeply for me with just a look. And that look had saved my life.

“This is an invasion of my privacy.”

“Yes.” He sounded guilty, but not as if he regretted it.

“You know it’s not normal?”
