Page 150 of Lawless God

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“Elliot is a little fucking snitch,” I huff.

“Elliot did the right thing. I’m rescuing you from a kidnapping, Kay,” he explains slowly.

“Stop talking to me like I’m a fucking idiot. I’ll punch you.”

He snorts, tilting his head to the side. He observes me from head to toe. “Is that from him?”

I know he’s talking about the wound on my head. Was it because of Nate? Yes. He’s the megalomaniac who is going to war with the Wolves. But was it from him? I shake my head. “Car accident.”

Next, his eyes dart down to my ring finger. “Take off the rings.”

My hand automatically closes into a fist. “Cade…” I hesitate, unsure how to go about this. “Listen—”

“I don’t want to fucking hear it. Take off the rings. I can’t look at my sister knowing those two rings were forced on her hand.”

“It’s more complicated than that.”

“Kay.” He smiles at me. It’s dangerously cold and would send anyone else running for the hills, but that grown man used to braid my hair as kids as a way to calm his dark urges. He doesn’t scare me. Not even the cold monster inside him can make me shake. “I thought I was on a rescue mission here, want to explain what kind of Stockholm syndrome bullshit I’m facing?”

“If I hear that term one more time, I’m going to shoot someone. It would be really fucking unfortunate for that someone to be you. I don’t need rescuing, Cade. I know what I’m doing.”

“Where’s his room?”

Just to piss him off, I say, “You mean, our room.”

He chuckles and takes a small step back. “I’ll make him suffer just because you fell for him.”

It’s my turn to laugh. “Fell for him? What am I? A fifteen-year-old getting attention for the first time in her life?”

“Fucking seems like it.”

He takes a sidestep, going for the door, but I plaster myself against it. “Don’t.”

“Kay,” he grits out.

“I know what I’m doing.” I give him a pointed glare. “You’re forgetting who I am.”

“You’re forgetting who you are. You’re Kayla motherfucking King. Or have you been brainwashed into thinking you’re just Nathan White’s wife now?”

“You’re not my rescuer. You’re my little brother. You’re the boy I saved from Dad as kids. You’re the psycho I had to raise when I was just a little girl. Step the fuck back.”

He narrows his gaze on me and does as I say. “Fine. What’s your plan?”

“Not sending my brother to slice his throat in the middle of the night, that’s for sure. When I kill Nate, he won’t have a chance to stop me.”

He cocks an eyebrow at me. “How?”

“I am not telling you. This plan is in my head and with whoever is helping me execute it. That’s not you.”

I don’t add that I was coming into this room to cancel said plan, that seeing him is messing with my head yet again.

Nate opened up to me like no one ever has before. But seeing Caden makes me doubt my change of heart.

“Kay.” He looks away, then back at me. “I know what it’s like to manipulate someone into falling in love with them. That’s exactly what I did to Billie. And do you know what’s around her finger now? My ring.” He puts a hand on my shoulder. “Whatever plan you have. Do it. Whatever he does, whatever you feel, just do it.” A smirk spreads on his lips. “Look at Billie now, she’s stuck with me forever, and the poor girl thinks it’s out of her own free will.”

I bite my lower lip, barely stopping myself from hurling insults at him. “Congratulations, you’re yet another narcissist who locked the girl he wanted by manipulating her. What can I get you? A medal, maybe?”

“I’ll tell you what you can do. Don’t become that girl.”
