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Trust them. That was what Verity had said.

Dev wanted to trust them.

She wanted them. Even if it was only for a couple nights.

Not that the men had ever indicated a time limit. That was all on her. She was the one flirting with running again.

Don’t run. Verity had told her that, too. And Dev knew she really would be in hell if she took off. So… What did that mean for no?

She had to give this a chance.

She glanced over at Hawk to clock what he felt, and his stare matched Cannon’s, devouring her as if she were water and he hadn’t had a drop in weeks. However, unlike his gregarious partner, he held his tension in check. The only indication of his powerful need came from the intensity in his dark eyes and the slow flexing and relaxing of his fingers while he watched her.

Sure, he wasn’t vibrating like Cannon, but his stare stalked her like a wolf watching a rabbit and getting ready to pounce on his unsuspecting prey.

Come and get me, she thought. Her tongue flicked out over her lips, and she swallowed.

No more waiting. This was it.

“Let’s go inside,” she said.

Nervous energy exploded through her. It skated along her skin, finding all her sensitive spots and lighting them up. Pulsing heat settled in her core, and she knew her body was readying for her two lovers. Two. How lucky could she get?

Hawk caught her to his side in an instant, his arm around her shoulders, and guided her outside. After securing the stable, Cannon jogged up to them and took her hand. The cool night air nipped at her skin, reminding her that her coat was inside where she’d been working. It was still a perfect evening. The icy autumn scent in the air and the smell of burning wood reminded her of the coming holidays. She glanced toward their decorated house and saw smoke coming from the chimney. Obviously, one of the guys had started a fire in the fireplace. Everywhere she looked, she saw home.

This was her real life, a life she wanted forever.

Leaning into Hawk and squeezing Cannon’s hand, a deep sense of peace filled her. Sometimes, she forgot her blessings, and she really had many. She had so much to be thankful for, starting foremost with these two men.

“Thanksgiving is coming,” she mentioned off-hand, needing to break the silence that had fallen between them. Not that it was an uncomfortable silence. Nothing felt uncomfortable with them.

“Uh-huh, you asked about it yesterday.” Cannon bumped her shoulder with his, jostling her into Hawk. Hawk tightened his grasp and glared at his friend.

“Yeah, I did.” She twisted her lips to the side in consternation. Why was she suddenly so awkward now that kissing and touching had entered the equation?

“Something on your mind?” Hawk asked.

“No!” God, she couldn’t tell them how she thought this was perfect. How she saw forever with them. Not yet. “I mean, yes. I was thinking we should plan a family dinner. We’ve never had actual holiday celebrations. You guys are always working. I’ve usually ended up with the Leena and her guys. But, well, I think we should start making some traditions. If we’re going to be a family, we should do family things. That is…um…if we’re going to be one.”

“Damn straight we are one. We have been one,” Hawk growled, sweeping her up into his arms and jogging the rest of the way to the house. “Let’s plan a big Thanksgiving this year. Huge. The first of many, many to come.”


The fragrant smell of savory beef stew greeted them as they burst into the house. Though Hawk’s stomach pulled with hunger pangs, eating the dinner Devon had made was the last thing on his mind. He was far hungrier for his lovers.

Even so, he set Dev on her feet before he went into total caveman mode and dragged her upstairs to their cave. From the corner of his eye, he saw Cannon had the presence of mind to set the house alarm, at least.

Devon twined her fingers together while she looked around the space as if she hadn’t seen it everyday through the remodel then decorated it herself. And it really was an awesome home, perfect for a family—their family. As if she’d known he and Cannon would always live here with her, she’d asked for input on everything, but not in a whiny “I don’t know what to do,” or “I can’t make a decision,” kind of way.

No, she had more confidence than that. When it came to decisions, she knew what she wanted. She moved decisively, and he admired her for it. She only exuded fear and endless trepidation in the areas pertaining to her hiding and her past chasing her.

And when it came to the decision to be with him and Cannon.

She seemed nervous about that, too. She wanted them, but remained worried it might be the wrong decision. As far as he was concerned, it would never be the wrong decision to let him and Cannon into her life and her bed.

He skimmed his hands along her arms before he cupped her chin and drew her turbulent gaze to his. “There’s nothing to worry about tonight. You’re safe with us; you know that. Nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen.”

“Wanting is not the problem. I want you.” She glanced toward Cannon. “I want both of you. So, so much. I’ve been worked up all day just imagining tonight.”

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