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She groaned into his mouth as he sank inside, stretching the muscles that were still a little sore from their vigorous activities last night. And during the wee hours of morning, too. She welcomed the sensations and wouldn’t change a thing. They made her feel alive.

“You guys playing without me?” Cannon rasped beside them, his voice scratchy from sleep.

“You’re right here,” Hawk teased as he started pumping inside her. Balancing himself on one hand, he reached over and cupped Cannon’s cheek, his thumb tenderly grazing over his long-time lover’s cheekbone.

Devon wrapped her arm around Cannon’s neck and pulled him in for a messy three-way kiss.

What a perfect way to start the morning. She wanted this every day for forever.

* * * *

“I’m shocked they left you here with me to go work,” Briar teased as they sat in her front room and drank coffee. Through the window, they could see a couple of her other ranch hands delivering rolled bales of hay to the field for the cattle that had been moved to the pasture visible in the distance.

Devon chuckled behind her coffee cup. After last night and this morning, in bed then in the shower, her nerves were less on edge than they’d been in years. In fact, she still felt boneless and almost carefree.

“I wouldn’t doubt they’re within sight of the house. After that guy showed up in town, they’re determined to keep eyes on me 24/7. I thought they watched me like hawks before—no pun intended. Now, they’re Fort Knox and I’m gold.”

Briar tilted her head back and forth, weighing the statement. “There are worse things.”

Devon snorted. “Way worse things. The way they are in bed—”

“What! Oh my God! I knew there was something different about the three of you today!” Briar jumped to her feet. “You all finally slept together? Finally had sex? Shoot, I thought it would never happen.”

“Geez, woman, calm down,” Dev chided. Man, she loved her friend. They’d been close since they’d both worked at Bowen’s Bar together. That had been before Briar was coerced into quitting by her jealous cowboys, who hadn’t been able to stomach her around a horde of inebriated single guys every night, and before the owners had learned Dev was, in fact, female.

Devon would miss her friend if she ever had to leave here, a possibility that loomed closer and closer lately.

Briar sank back into her chair. “So how was it?”

Dev rolled her eyes. “I’m not going to tell you about my sex life.”

The other woman snickered. “At least, you finally have one.”

“Shut. Up.”

“Just sayin’. Those poor guys must have had bad blue balls.”

“They’ve had each other,” Dev disagreed.

“Not the same when you’re missing part of the equation; trust me. But how was it?”

Lips sealed, Dev gave her friend wide eyes, silently telling her she was being nosy. Some things seemed too private to talk about, even if Briar seemed to be an open book. “We’re not discussing this.”

“Oh…” Briar deflated. “It was bad. I’m sorry.”

“It was not bad. It was amazing.” Any more amazing and Briar would be talking to a ghost version of Devon.

Briar leaned forward. “Oh! Tell me more.”

“No. Lord, woman, that’s private.”

Her friend waved her hand as if to sweep aside Devon’s protest. “It’s girl talk. I would tell you.”

“I know.” Dev knew a little too much about Briar’s sex life with Jax and Ram.

“Did they DP?” Briar asked, not taking the hint.

Devon stared at her. “Did they…what?”

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