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“Oh, girl. Double down on you. Both of them fuck you at the same time—and I’m not talking about oral.”

Instant heat flashed through Dev at the intriguing notion. “Is that…possible?”

Briar sighed, practically swooning. “Oh, yeah. It’s so…wow. I know I’ve passed out from it at least once.”

“More than once,” Ram said, coming in from the kitchen with a silver thermos in his hand. “Don’t mind me. Just passing through for a coffee refill. Go on with your sex ed lesson.”

“Oh my God…” Dev moaned, planting her face in her hand as he headed toward the front door.

“I’ll deal with him later.”

“I bet you will.”

Briar laughed, but it didn’t alleviate any of Dev’s mortification.

“Anyway, sorry about that. I didn’t think we’d be overheard. He and Jax were supposed to be out checking the far west fence line all afternoon.”

“I miss riding horses,” Dev sighed.

Briar furrowed her brow. “They take out the ATVs. But why do you miss riding horses? You literally work with them every day.”

“That’s different. I ride in the corral, and it’s really not the same.” It was practically a metaphor for her life. Free yet fenced in. Though she had the illusion of freedom, boundaries penned her. “When they need more exercise, Hawk or Cannon take them out. I don’t ride far. Or by myself. The guys think it’s too dangerous. If nothing else, they’re overprotective.”

Leaning forward, Briar covered Dev’s hand with hers. “I understand. If it makes you feel any better, I think Jax heard back from his connection in Chicago this morning. He’s been waiting for more info. What did he say…? He’s been waiting for solid intel and a plan. I swear it was so hot. I’ve got two super-hot men, and it’s always been extra swoony when Jax gets lawyerly, but damn, this morning, it was like suddenly being married to a special ops guy or something.”

“As if him being a cowboy isn’t enough,” Dev teased. “What does Ram think about this fixation?”

“Oh, he understands. He looked like he wanted to tackle Jax and fuck him right then and there. It was hot. I’m telling you, when he has to get all professional and dress up in a suit… I’m the luckiest fucking girl.” And they were right back to Briar’s sex life. Briar fanned herself while Dev blushed.

She thought she was pretty lucky with her own men, but she didn’t cut into Briar’s mental swoon, bursting her bubble by telling her that Cannon and Hawk were way sexier.

“Do you know who this guy is? Jax’s contact, I mean,” she asked, steering the subject back away from sex.

Briar made a face. “Someone who walks on the wrong side of the law. Something underworld, I think. I can’t believe my husband is friends with a person like that.”

“When Jax called us yesterday morning, he called the guy Bratva.”

“Yeah…” Her friend huffed a chagrined laugh. “I preferred when Jax just called him an old college friend. Not only is he part of the Russian mafia, he runs that group. I don’t know what they really call it. A branch? A division? An organization?”

Dev shrugged, having no idea about how mafia worked. As it was, with the trouble she ran from, she knew way more than she ever wanted to. If this guy was the leader, that probably meant he had some viable connections to help her, though. She sure hoped so. She prayed they’d assist and not harm her. She had no idea what she’d do if she learned he was associated with her stepfather in some way.

“Let’s not talk about that anymore,” Briar suggested. “I think it’s a lot like Fight Club, you know. First rule of Bratva…”

“Jax said something like that yesterday on the phone.”

“Of course, he did. I love that man. Anyway…” Briar’s expression shifted. “I can’t believe I didn’t tell you. We had some kid show up here this morning. Well, actually, it must have been some time last night. She was holed up in one of our barns. Poor thing. She seemed half-frozen and starved. I have her tucked up under a heating blanket in one of the guest rooms upstairs.”

Dev stiffened. A kid? Her guys had mentioned how small the tracks at their place were, that whoever had been trespassing had to be small. The idea that it might be this girl relieved her, but at the same time, she worried about the child.

“I think maybe she triggered our alarms the other night. The guys found small prints leading toward the woods.”

“The other night?” Briar asked aghast. “Damn it! She can’t be more than thirteen or fourteen, and she’s been out there alone all this time? It’s been freezing! All I know is, her fucking parents just dumped her in the middle of nowhere and took off.”

“What? That’s horrible.” Horror pierced through Dev, just thinking about it. This poor kid had been out in the night alone, freezing and probably terrified. The girl had probably been looking for shelter in their stable or barn. Damn it.

“It is. There’s no child protective services here in Daly, so the sheriff is going to have to call Gillette. For now, he’s leaving her here with us. I kinda feel like she should stay in Daly. She one of ours now, a castoff just like so many here.”

“I’d take her in if I didn’t have my problem hanging over my head. My place certainly has enough room.”
