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Whoever had done this, wouldn’t be breathing for long.

“Call the sheriff while I call Jax,” he growled. “Someone was here. Someone took her.”

“What?” Cannon gasped, and Hawk hastily pointed out what he saw. They signs of struggle were obvious to him, once he looked, but someone with a more sheltered upbringing, like Cannon, might miss them.

“She was taken,” he finished.

“No!” Cannon bellowed. His knees buckled, and he grabbed for the wall, his face blanching before he buried his fist in the plaster. “No. She was in our house. Safe in our own fucking house. We were right there. We were right…there.”

“Somehow, someone did. Call the sheriff.” Hawk stormed toward the back of the house that would have been out of their sight while they’d worked today. When he glanced out the kitchen window, the backyard look pristine, but it had been snowing for a couple hours. With every passing minute, more evidence, if there was any, was being covered up.

He pulled out his phone and made the call to Jax while he heard Cannon contacting Sheriff Middleton. Agitation whirring through him, he paced the floor while he waited for their friend to answer.

“Someone took her,” he snapped out as soon as Jax answered. Just saying the words made Hawk’s sinuses burn. Fucking hell, he would not cry. He did not cry. He hadn’t cried since he was eleven and he’d come home to find his mom had left him behind. He didn’t cry. He destroyed the enemy.

His hand shoved through his hair, wanting to rip it out in frustration.

“Fuck!” Jax swore. “You’re sure?”

Hawk told him what they’d found when they came home.

“God damn it,” Jax swore again. “I’m so fucking sorry, man. Not that it does shit to help this. I’m on my way there, now. I’ll call Zoran from my truck and see what he knows.”

“Alright. Cannon’s on the phone with the sheriff, too.”

“Good. I’ll let Briar know what’s up before I leave. She’ll call around to tell people to keep an eye out.” He paused, and Hawk heard her say something in the background.

“Ram’s in town. She just called him,” Jax came back to say. “He knows the whole situation and will take point with telling the sheriff everything. Ram and Deputy Morgan will set up roadblocks. Verity’s husband, Sim, is going to help.”

Hawk knew Sim was ex-special forces, but even if he wasn’t, any assistance was welcome.

“It might be too late.” Hawk’s voice shook, and he swallowed hard. No emotions. He needed to be the stone-cold banger from his past. “Cannon and I were outside working for hours. Whoever took her didn’t go out the front. She didn’t scream. She would have screamed if she could have. We weren’t very far from there. She knew that.”

“We’re gonna find her, man. We will,” Jax assured him, which made Hawk think perhaps, he wasn’t hiding his feelings as well as he should be.

“They must have gone out the back. It’s the only way we wouldn’t have seen him. He probably headed into the woods between our places.”

“Through the woods and to the highway,” Jax said in resignation.


“Fuck. Okay. I’ll be there in ten. I’m hanging up to call Zoran.”

The line disconnected.

Hawk’s fingers twisted into a fist while he banged the phone against his forehead with the other. He wanted to rage and break things. Destroy the fucking world. He couldn’t mess up the house, though. It was a crime scene now. Besides, Dev would be pissed if she came home and found he’d torn things apart. She’d already be annoyed Cannon had dented the wall.

“I’m going outside,” he told Cannon, already halfway out the door. He pounded down the steps from the porch, moving as fast as he could and running into the yard.

“Devon!” he bellowed. “Devon!”

A pair of winter birds took off at his yell. Otherwise, nothing. Not a sound. Not a trace…

Oh God! Devon.

He’d promised to protect her and keep her safe. He’d vowed not to let anything happen to her. His legs gave out, and he dropped to his knees in the snow, the forbidden tears burning his eyes.

They’d get her back. They had to get her back. He’d never rest until they found her.

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