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I don’t need any further convincing. We shed our clothes in record time, coming together in a clash of lips and limbs. Tanya gasps as I lift her against the wall, her legs wrapping around my waist. And then I’m inside her, and we’re moving together, hard and fast, chasing that sweet release.

Afterward, we get dressed with almost embarrassed smiles, both pleasantly exhausted. I pull Tanya into my arms, nuzzling her neck.

Tanya grins. “This is turning out to be the perfect day.”

I have to agree.

Chapter thirteen

Not Just a Night Out


I stroll along the waterside shops. On days like these, Florida has my heart. The upscale open-air mall seems to blend seamlessly with its coastal surroundings, and I walk beneath a canopy of palm trees, their fronds gently rustling in the breeze above me. Just as I round the corner of the boutique, arms laden with shopping bags, I crash right into someone. “Oof!” we exclaim in unison as my bags tumble to the ground, spilling shoes and dresses everywhere.

“I’m so sorry!” the woman says. She bends down to help me gather my things, and when she straightens, I find myself staring into a familiar pair of blue eyes.

“Diane?” I gasp.

A wide grin splits her face. “Tanya!”

We throw our arms around each other, giggling like schoolgirls. I can’t believe I’ve run into her like this after all these years.

“When did you get into town?” I ask as we collect the remainder of my things. Diane works as a fashion journalist and is always traveling from one exotic location to another. Last I heard, she was in Paris for six months. “And wherever from, might I ask?”

“Just yesterday, from London,” she giggles. “I’m visiting home for some time off from work.” She brushes a strand of blonde hair from her eyes. “It’s so good to see you. We have a lot of catching up to do!”

“We do.” An idea pops into my head. “Are you free tonight? We could meet up for drinks at the club like old times.” But, just as I say that, I cringe within because Brian comes to mind. Oh no. Suddenly, meeting my old friend no longer feels as innocent as it used to. It feels darker.

“I’d love that!” Diane says.

We make plans to meet at nine tonight. We then part ways, both smiling. Diane means it while mine is fake. I want to feel giddy at the prospect of a girls’ night out with my old friend, but I can’t bring myself to. I wish it could have been just like it was before she moved across the country, as if this whole situation with Brian never really happened. I watch Diane retreat. She’s practically skipping down the sidewalk. Dread bubbles in my chest. But, what’s done is done. The plan’s been made. I’ll just have to get used to the idea. What’s the problem? It’s Diane; my old friend. Diane…Brian’s daughter. I feel sick to my stomach.

There’s no way to skip out now. I’ve already made a commitment. Tonight must go on as planned, but I have to make sure that there are no slip-ups. At home, I make sure to take extra care with my makeup and pick out a flattering dress and heels.

I take a deep breath as I approach the entrance of the club, steeling my nerves. I’m excited to spend time with my old friend, but anxious about the possibility of her finding out about Brian and me. We’ve been secretly seeing each other for months now, and while I want to tell Diane the truth, I know it’s best to keep our relationship under wraps, especially since Brian doesn’t even know I’m friends with his daughter.

When I enter the club at nine, Diane is already waiting at the bar. Two martinis sit before her, and she passes me one with a grin.

Diane gives me a long hug, pulling me from my thoughts. “It’s so great to be hanging out like old times again,” she says with a smile.

I force a smile in return. “Me too. It’s been way too long.”

“To friendship that stands the test of time,” she says, raising her glass.

“To friendship,” I echo, clinking my martini against hers. As I do, I feel like a fraud.

The alcohol warms my belly as we launch into lively conversation, catching up on everything from our careers, to family, to old friends. It feels so easy and natural, except for that one dark secret looming over my conscience.

“So, what’s new with you?” Diane asks, turning to face me. “Any hot new romances I should know about?”

My heart leaps at the question, and I stare into my drink, scrambling for an answer. “Oh, you know, the usual. I’ve been so busy with work; dating hasn’t really been a priority.”

The lie tastes bitter on my tongue. I want nothing more than to tell Diane the truth, and to share the joy and excitement of my new relationship. But I can’t—not if I want to keep Brian in my life.

Diane nods, taking a sip of her martini. “I get that. Work can definitely consume your whole life if you let it.” Her gaze drifts across the room, landing on a group of men at the bar. “Although, a little romance never hurt anyone, right?” She winks at me with a sly grin.

I force a laugh, though anxiety coils in my stomach. The rest of the night stretches before me, full of opportunities for Diane to stumble upon the truth. I take a large gulp of my drink, wondering how I’ll make it through the evening without revealing my secret.
