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“We did, but Diane came around. She wants us to get back together.”

My heart leaps at the thought of being with Brian again, but this can’t be that simple. “What changed her mind?”

“I’ll explain everything when you get here.” His tone is confident, as if he already knows I’ll say yes.

Damn him. Against my better judgment, I find myself saying, “Fine, I’ll be there in an hour.”

Hanging up the phone, I let out a frustrated groan. I know getting back together is a terrible idea, but the thought of being with Brian again makes it impossible to resist.

Within the hour, I’m pulling up to the iron gates of Brian’s lavish mansion. My heart pounds as the gates swing open, but I force myself to remain calm. I’m only here to train him and get answers, nothing more.

Brian is waiting for me at the front entrance, his tall, muscular frame filling the doorway. Our eyes meet and a jolt of electricity passes between us, just like always. He grins, flashing his perfect white teeth, and I have to remind myself to stay strong.

“Tanya, you look stunning as always.” His deep-brown eyes roam appreciatively over my body, clad in form-fitting workout gear.

Heat rises to my cheeks, and I clear my throat. “You said Diane came around. What changed her mind?”

Brian steps aside, ushering me into the foyer. “Why don’t you come in? I’ll tell you everything while we warm up.”

Everything about this feels like a trap, but the promise of answers lures me inside. I’m playing with fire here, but when it comes to Brian, I can never quite resist the burn.

Brian leads me through the winding hallways of his mansion until we reach the private gym. He gestures for me to step inside.

“Well?” I ask, turning to face Brian. “You said you’d tell me why Diane changed her mind.”

“I will.” Brian steps closer, crowding me against the wall. His scent—sandalwood and spice—envelops me, stirring up memories I’ve tried hard to forget. “But first, I want to show you something.”

He pulls his phone from his pocket and taps the screen a few times before handing it to me. I stare down at the video. It’s a montage of footage featuring Brian and me from our time together at dinner out in town. Memories flash through my mind as I watch us laughing and kissing, tangled up in each other’s arms.

“After we ended things, a fan of mine edited this together and posted it online,” Brian explains. “It went viral, and that’s when Diane saw it. At first, she was angry, but she changed her mind when she watched some commentary on it from her favorite influencer, Lizzy Earheart.”

“Lizzy defended our relationship?” I ask in disbelief. Lizzy’s known for her harsh and often controversial takes. A brilliant woman, she’s unafraid to spew fire. Last I checked, she was dating some billionaire.

“Not exactly.” Brian chuckles, the sound rumbling through his chest. “She went on a rant about ageism and how society unfairly judges older men for dating younger women. Lizzy argued that as long as two people care about each other, age is just a number. Hearing it put that way really resonated with Diane and made her realize she was being unfair in her judgment of us.”

I stare up at Brian, unsure of how to process this information. Getting back together still seems like a terrible idea, but knowing Diane has come around makes the thought of being with Brian again slightly more plausible in my mind. Brian reaches out, cupping my cheek in his large, calloused hand. The familiar warmth and roughness of his palm sends a jolt through me. Our eyes meet, and for a moment I’m lost in the depths of his gaze.

“I miss you, Tanya,” he says softly. “Having you out of my life, even if just for a little while, made me realize what a mistake I made in letting you go. Tell me there’s still a chance for us. That we can make this work.”

I swallow hard, my throat tightening. I want nothing more than to say yes, to fall into Brian’s arms again and pick up where we left off, but it’s not that simple.

As much as I care about Brian, as deeply as I’m still attracted to him, the life he leads is one I can never fully be a part of. I’ll always feel like an outsider in the extravagant world he inhabits, never quite belonging. And what about when the next scandal hits? Diane may have come around this time, but there’s no guarantee she or the public will be so understanding again.

Brian searches my face, no doubt seeing the indecision and longing in my expression. His thumb brushes my cheekbone, sending a shiver down my spine.

“I know being with me isn’t easy,” he says. “But we can get through anything together. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Tanya. I don’t want to lose you again.”

His words make my chest ache. I want so badly to believe them, to throw caution to the wind, and give our relationship another chance. But, deep down, I know it’s too risky. For both our sakes, ending this now is the smartest choice. Even if it’s the last thing I want.

I take a deep breath and meet his gaze. “I care about you too, Brian. So much. But your world is too complicated for me. The fame, the drama, the scrutiny—it’s more than I can handle. We want different things, need different things, to be happy.”

Brian’s jaw clenches, his eyes shadowed. But after a moment, he nods. “You’re right. As much as I wish otherwise, we’re from two different worlds. I understand.”

He pulls away and turns toward the window, one hand braced on the wall. I stare at his broad back, aching to reach for him again but knowing it’s better this way.

When he faces me once more, his expression is resigned. “Since this is goodbye, we should end it the way we began. One last workout for the road?”

I manage a watery smile. “I’d like that.”
