Page 68 of My True North

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“I thought you should know that David changed his plea in the harassment charge to guilty. It looks like he’ll get off with supervised probation unless we make an appearance at the sentencing hearing to object. What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know.” She frowned. “What do you think?”

“He has no priors on record, no history of physical abuse or assault, and I’ve also learned he’s been taking advantage of the narcotics and alcohol treatment programs in prison. Even if you do object to his release, we’d have a tough time proving you’d be in danger. I suggest you weigh the pros and cons for a few days and get back to me.”

“No. I don’t want to waste the time when it’s unlikely we’d win, and his threats aren’t the only reason he’s incarcerated. What about his other charge, the drug one?” David’s unhinged threats still haunted her. Could she trust him? Would she be able to move about freely knowing he might be nearby? “It’s my understanding he’ll be incarcerated until he goes to trial. Do you know anything about that case?”

“I don’t have any information regarding his drug charges because it has nothing to do with you or your divorce. I can look into it if you want.”

“Yes, please do. I don’t know what to think right now. The restraining order is still in effect, right?”


“Okay. See what you can find out regarding his other case.” Theresa glanced at John. “I want a heads-up if he gets out of jail before that trial begins.”

“I understand. I’ll look into it and get back to you.”

“Thank you, Sonya.” They ended the call, and Theresa looked down the hallway toward her therapist’s office. She truly didn’t know how to react to Sonya’s news. If David changed his plea to guilty on the harassment charge, he probably also agreed to cooperate with the drug task force. Did all of this mean her ex could get out on bail for the drug charge?

If so, he’d want to spend time with Jeremy and Charlie. Which meant he’d be a constant in her life, and she had no idea how to prepare herself for that eventuality. Her stomach churning, she forced herself to calm down.

One thing was for certain. She didn’t want to change her appointment schedule with Dr. Grayson at this point. She needed those weekly meetings. She turned to John. “Let’s go.”

“You’ve gone a little pale, Theresa.” John held open the door for her. “What’s going on?”

She summarized her discussion with Sonya as they headed for the stairs. “Honestly, it’s been such a relief to have David out of my life.” She cringed. “That sounds awful, doesn’t it? I know Charlie and Jeremy miss him, but it’s just that … David’s presence will complicate things.”

“That’s a fact,” John said. “Especially now that you have a new man in your life.”

Theresa gasped, and her gaze flew to him. “What do you know about that?”

“Only the obvious,” he muttered.

“Okay, so what does that mean?” She scrutinized him.

“It’s hard to miss the way Caleb looks at you, or the way you look at him when you think no one will notice. You two get along well, and it’s plain to see there’s a spark there.” John shrugged as he opened the heavy steel door to the parking lot for her. “He’s a really decent guy, and you two make a great team.”

“I’m glad you think so.” Theresa slipped on her sunglasses.

“I overhear Jeremy and Charlie’s conversations a lot, especially when we’re outside. The two of them don’t seem to realize I can hear what they’re saying when they’re in their treehouse.” John slanted a look her way. “Your boys like Caleb a lot. They plot for ways to spend more time with him. It’s really kind of sweet.”

“I had no idea.” Theresa and John climbed into her SUV, and she started the engine. “Do Charlie and Jeremy ever talk about their dad?”

“Oh, yeah.” He nodded slowly. “A few kids at school have been giving them a hard time about their dad being in jail. I made it clear to them that none of what is going on with their dad is their fault.” He arched a brow and grinned. “I’ve also offered to have a talk with any kid who picks on either of them.”

She blinked a few times. “Why are you just telling me this now … about the kids at school, I mean?”

“I thought you knew.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re a great mom, and you keep the lines of communication open with them.” He canted his head for a moment. “Now that I think of it, your boys probably didn’t say anything to you because where you’re concerned they’re protective, especially Charlie. He has a lot of anger toward his dad, by the way. They probably didn’t want to worry you.”

Right. Time to arrange therapy for her kids. Why hadn’t she thought of that sooner? Guilt pinched at her as she recalled Charlie’s bitter comments and tone whenever they talked about their dad. “You’re very perceptive.”

John did his surveying thing as they pulled out of the parking lot. “I do a lot of standing around with nothing better to do than to observe. Part of the job, you know?”

“I see.”

“I’m sure you do, but I see more because I’m on the outside looking in,” he said as he made a frame with his hands. “I see the entire picture while you’re focused on each individual pixel.”

She snorted. “Pixels?”
