Page 54 of Forbidden Need

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Connel’s head jerked right, sending his boys trotting off. Not that they were delicate or graceful in any way.

“That was a stone-cold bluff,” Connel said, almost impressed.


“You didn’t know the old man was fucking anyone.”

“No,” she said, sliding a hand up his chest. “But from the look on Lachlan’s face, it was obvious. If he felt like he had to protect a confidence, he might not—”

“You’re good at the game,” Connel said. “Your father doesn’t see it. I see it.”

“You’ve seen me since the beginning, somehow. And I care more about you than him,” she purred, pressing herself against him. “We’re having dinner tonight.”


“Lachlan, my dad, and me. It’s at my place. Will you come?”

“They don’t want me there, baby.”

“He said just family. Isn’t family important to you?” she teased, knowing the answer. “You don’t have to be there, just know you’re invited.”

“You belong to me, Macushla. Wherever you are, I’m invited.”

Did that work both ways? Maybe. But he’d put such a premium on protecting her that it was possible he didn’t want her around while they worked.

The McDades did have a specific skill set. She’d never be refused by a potential source again.

“High Class!” Another call, this one drew everyone’s attention. Whisper stood on the apartment balcony, looking down over the club. More specifically, at her. “Your next appointment’s right here.”

Someone like Whisper Doherty-McDade got what they wanted, regardless of what else was happening.

Still, she looked to Connel to get the nod before heading over. Whisper disappeared back inside while she ascended the spiral stairs. In the apartment, the beauty was mixing drinks behind the bar.

“Hey,” she said. “You okay? We missed you downstairs.”

“I’m not so good with an audience. Zay says I act out.”

Yet that didn’t seem to bother her. “Your input is valuable. To me.”

“I’m not from around here.”

“But your name still means something on the street.”

“You want me to kick ass? I’m there. But you don’t want my theories.”

“I do.”

After a little side-eye, Whisper exhaled. “From everything we know, it’s obvious. Someone killed your grandfather to shut him up. Though that could be my life experience talking. All it takes is one right question to the wrong person and people get nervous.”

But who? “Conn says my grandfather never took a pay-off.”

“From the McDades. But we’re not the only party in town, sugar.”

No. True. Who else was in play? And was this anything to do with the Harvest deal? If her grandfather wasn’t under McDade influence, could it be someone else learned that and didn’t like it?

“Does seem more likely than a scorned lover. Though a lover could get into his bedroom easily.”

“Maybe it was more than one person. Was the lover a genuine lover or a mole?”
