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With my phone pressed against my ear, I listen to Robert drone on about the wedding arrangements, my attention focussed on Toby playing on the caterpillar slide in the children’s playground. It’s the fifth day of me looking after him and he’s wrapped up warm in his coat, green tracksuit and snow boots, his cheeks red with cold, eyes bright as he scrambles up the slide, pushing off the top with a shriek of happiness.

“Drix, did you hear what I just said?” Robert asks.

“I got it. Everything’s sorted,” I reply, placating him.

“Good. it’s imperative this all goes smoothly. I’m relying on you, Drix.”

“Listen, I had a good mentor in Hubert. You don’t need to worry about anything. I have an excellent security team lined up. The arrangements I’ve put in place are watertight.”

“DRIX, watch this!” Toby calls from the top of the slide as he grips the bar that crosses above his head right at the top of the slide and starts swinging his legs. My heart fucking does a summersault in my chest at the potential danger.

“Who’s that?” Robert asks.

“I gotta go,” I reply, hanging up just as Toby flings himself from the top of the slide. He goes down with a hard bump, bashing the back of his head against the slide from the force. By the time I reach him he’s slid down at top speed, landing in a heap at the bottom, covered in snow.

“Owwwwwww!” he cries, tears spurting from his eyes as he rubs the back of his head.

“Shit!” I shout, scooping down to haul him into my arms. “Are you okay?”

Toby hiccups as I check the back of his head for any lumps. “You swore!” he says, still crying, but this time with a smile creeping up his face.

“And you, buddy, are gonna get me into so much trouble with your Ma!” I reply with a shake of my head as I internally curse myself for bringing him to the playground. Probably not the smartest move given he’s only been in my care a few days.

“I won’t tell,” Toby replies, sniffling as he looks up at me with his big brown eyes.

“Hey, there’ll be no lying to your Ma. Truth always, kiddo,” I reply, realising how that sounds coming out of my mouth.

“Okay,” he mumbles as I dry his tears with my thumb.

“How about we make everything better with a mug of hot chocolate and a doughnut? I’m sure Daph would be glad to see you,” I suggest.

“Yes please!” he replies, grinning now.

Two minutes later we’re sitting in The Rock Cafe, and true to form, Toby is thoroughly enjoying his treat. Sprinkles of sugar surround his lips as he eats with the enthusiasm of a small kid who clearly has a sweet tooth.

“Hendrix, I could use a hand,” Daphne calls, motioning me over from behind the counter.

“Sure thing,” I reply, tapping Toby’s arm. “I’m just going to help Daph with something. You stay put, okay? I won’t be a second.”

He nods, taking another bite of his doughnut.

“What do you need me for?” I ask Daphne as I approach.

“An intervention, maybe?” she replies, casting a look over at Toby.

“Daph, I know what I’m doing,” I say, leaning against the counter.

She lifts a brow. “You, Hendrix Hammer, are a kind soul.”

“But?” I ask, knowing there’s more.

“But you and I both know that things are complicated for you. Does that little boy’s mum know what you do around here?”

My eyebrows lift in surprise. “And you do?”
