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“What’s that all about?” Georgia asks, glancing at me wide-eyed.

“I have no idea,” I reply, a little startled myself.

“Seriously, I’m surprised Daisy hasn’t been fired already for the way she talks to Dalton. They really don’t like each other very much.” Georgia leans forward in her seat, looking right then left, making sure the coast is clear, presumably. “Though I do admire her gumption. He can be a total arse. Devilishly good-looking, but an arse.”

“So I’ve been told,” I laugh as she winks at me.

“So, spa day, huh?” Georgia asks, settling back in her seat, moving on to safer ground.

“Daisy persuaded me to come along. I’ve never actually been to a spa before. Is it nice?”

Georgia flips her long brown hair over her shoulder. “Oh it’s amazing! I’ve used the spa a couple of times, the salt room is the best.”

“Salt room? What’s that?”

“It’s salt therapy basically.”

I frown, scrunching up my nose. “Salt therapy?”

“So the air inside the room exposes you to microscopic particles of salt. Apparently it helps to relieve tension and is great for your lungs and skin, and the room is so soothing. All soft lights and relaxing music.”

“Wow, that sounds great,” I agree, eager to try it out.

“It sure is. Oh, and then you’ve got to try the plunge pool after the sauna. Ice cold water, but so invigorating. Good for blood flow!”

“Not sure that the plunge pool is for me,” I reply with a grin. “But Daisy has arranged for us both to have a full body massage, so I’m looking forward to that.”

Georgia glances at the screen before her. “Oooh, Daisy has Tomasz doing her massage, the lucky duck.”

“Tomasz? I don’t think I’ve met him yet.”

“Believe me, you’d remember him if you had. He’s gorgeous!”

“Who do I have?” I ask, a little nervous to have a stranger’s hands on me. Drix might have coaxed out some confidence in me last night, but I don’t think I’m ready for another man’s hands on me, even if it is in a purely professional manner.

Georgia checks her computer screen. “You have Melinda. She’s excellent.”

Relief floods through. “Great.”

“That absolute prick!”

Georgia and I exchange looks as Daisy comes striding towards us both, her expression furious.

“Oh dear,” Georgia laughs, hiding her smile as Daisy swoops down and picks up her bag.

“Come on, Lia, if we don’t head into the spa now I might just commit murder.”

Pulling a face, I wave goodbye to Georgia and follow Daisy into the spa.

Ten minutes later we’re lying on two loungers next to the pool, wearing our swimsuits and wrapped up in soft towelling robes, a bottle of chilled champagne sitting on the small table between us. We’re alone, ambient lighting and soothing music playing. It would honestly be bliss if Daisy wasn’t as tense as I’ve ever seen her.

“Want to tell me what’s bothering you, Daisy?” I ask tentatively. She’s been out of sorts all morning, and she doesn’t appear to be calming down despite the relaxing atmosphere.

“I’m not sure where to start,” she replies, sitting up and grabbing a champagne flute, filling it to the top. “Do you want some?”

I shake my head. “I’m good with water for now.”

“It’s Dalton,” she eventually says after downing the whole glass and filling it up again.
