Page 20 of Gentle Love

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Less than a minute later, I started to feel better. My body relaxed and the pain faded.

“Take a little nap, princess. I’ll be here when you wake up,” Onyx promised.


“Yes, baby?”

“I…” I struggled to find the word. Why was my tongue so heavy inside my mouth?

He rubbed my belly again. Having his big hands stroke my tummy was becoming my favorite thing. “Pursue! I wanna pursue you being my Dada.”

Soft chuckles filled the room, and I groaned, feeling my cheeks flush. I’d forgotten Elliot was here.

“Okay, princess. We can talk about it when you wake up, okay?”

“You’ll be here?”

“I promise. I won’t go anywhere.”

Chapter Five


This sucked. This sucked big, fat, donkey balls. I wanted my Little one to wake up. I wanted to know if she felt better or if we should take her to the hospital. I wanted to tell her what Locken had found out about Malachi. I wanted to tell her how she’d always be safe from here on out. I wanted her to call Rouge and ask her to leave Atlanta and move to Strickland so we could love the anger out of her.

“Could you stop pacing?” Elliot mumbled from my couch.

I wanted to punch him. “She’s been sleeping for a long time.”

“It’s been just over two hours.”

“That’s a long time,” I argued.

“Not when she’s been given strong pain and anti-nausea meds. Now, calm down before I sedate your ass.”

I flipped him off, but settled on the couch.

“You really care about her, don’t you?”

I nodded. I did. I had for a while, but I’d been denying it because she was so obviously scared of men. Now that I knew where that was coming from, and what she’d been through, I couldn’t hide my feelings any longer.

Elliot smiled. “She’s really precious.”

“She was excited to hear about Teagan. I think she’s hoping they can be friends.”

“Tea would love that.”

“Is she getting excited for your vacation?”

“Very. I’ll admit the town looks adorable and I’m looking forward to it too. I’ve let work get in the way of us lately and I’m not going to let that happen again,” he stated, regret evident in his expression. I couldn’t imagine how hard it was to balance a marriage, a full-time job, and a full-time Daddy Dom/Little dynamic, though I had a feeling I would be finding out soon.

The sound of Emily’s sleepy voice telling me she wanted me to be her “Dada” would always be one of my top memories.

“Are you going to feed me since I’m here out of the goodness of my heart?” Elliot asked grumpily, pulling me out of my thoughts. “I’m starving.”

I laughed but pulled out my phone to order. “You’re a pain in the ass.”

