Page 61 of Dragon Claimed

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Audra looked at Kaida, and Kaida tried to hide her smile. Her mother hugged them all before standing next to her again. "Be that as it may, boys, you will still answer to us if you step out of line. She may hurt you, but we will break you. She deserves everything."

"We know," they said in unison while looking at her.

Her parents both hugged her before slipping inside the room.

"I like your dad," Blaze told her. "Kind of reminds me of mine. He would always say stuff like that."

Kaida rolled her eyes and laughed. "That isn't even in the top tier of things he could have said to embarrass me. Just you wait."

Enzo nodded. "Dracul is someone that can make the whole room laugh. He was always a favorite of mine from the council."

"That's Good to know," Beckett told him before straightening his vest. "Okay, are you all ready?"

Esen was fidgeting with his vest. Kaida approached him, straightened it out, and faced the door.

"Let's go."

The doors swung open, and Kaida stood at the top of the stairs with her mates on either side. Enzo stood next to her and stepped forward to be lined up with where she stood. Esen and Blaze chose to be on his side, while Beckett and Arlo chose to stand on hers. The staircase was wide enough for them to walk simultaneously down the stairs. Kaida walked down first, with her mates following. There were rounds of applause as they reached the bottom, and they hushed into silence as Nande projected her voice through the room. As they walked, Nande asked them the questions to begin the ceremony.

"Do you solemnly promise to uphold the laws to govern our kingdom?"

"We solemnly promise we will, with our best knowledge, make the choices that best serve the kingdom," they said in unison.

"Do you solemnly promise to protect this kingdom with your life?"

"We solemnly promise we will, with our dying breath, protect every soul that resides in our kingdom."

"Do you solemnly promise to keep the peace within our people and land?"

"We solemnly promise to bring peace to our kingdom at all costs."

They ascended the other staircase leading to the thrones after they made their promises. Nande had the Terrain Dragons help her create thrones for the four Elemental Princes that would best represent them. The Ember Throne looked like the stone was in flames with the carvings to bring it to life. The Terrain Throne had stones carved into vines, leaves, and flowers that looked so real that Kaida wanted to touch them. The Breeze Throne looked like the stones were carved to portray a tornado, and Kaida noticed that the corners of Esen's mouth were twitching up, even though they were meant to keep a straight face. On the Tidal Throne, the stones were carved into a wave that looked like Beckett would sit between two waves crashing. Enzo's now portrayed a storm with clouds and lightning. Kaida's looked like her arcs of plasma were holding her chair into place.

They all turned to face the crowd; nothing but smiling faces stared back at them. Kaida could see the faces of islanders mixed in with the Storm Dragons. She broke out in a smile and held her head up a little higher. If it weren't for her and her mates, this wouldn't be their reality. The islanders would still be on an island and believe they were not welcome within their kingdom. Now, they all shared the same emotion of seeing the person who made it happen for them sit on the throne to signify their freedom would remain intact.

Nande walked in front of her with a golden crown and the spikes of a dragon on the edges. Kaida glanced over and noticed the others were already crowned. She was too caught up in seeing her people smiling and being happy not to hear them being crowded.

"I, Nande Stymir, former Queen of the Dragon Kingdom, name you, Kaida Hilmir, the reigning Queen. May you live a long reign with your love, honor, and commitment."

When the crown was placed on her head, Nande beamed with pride at Kaida. "The Great Dragon certainly knew what they were doing when they made you. Peace within the kingdom would not be a reality if it weren't for your birth. Your dragon was a blessing in disguise." She stepped away before kneeling in front of Kaida. This was not a formal part of the ceremony, so Kaida wasn't sure what was happening. "I request to become a part of your council. I wish to be a part of the world you will create and give advice you may seek during your reign."

Kaida looked at the others, and they all nodded. Enzo beamed with pride when he saw his mother request to be part of their council.

"Your wish is granted, Queen Mother."

Nande stood up, bowed to them, and then turned toward the crown.

"Long live, Queen Kaida!"

"Long live, Queen Kaida!" The crowd answered back. "Forever may she reign!"

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