Page 8 of Nailed Right

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Finley’s eyes are on me when I take my turn. I let go of the ball, which rolls down the lane, smashing into the pins. Only one is left standing.

“Okay, I'm calling foul,” she says, gesturing with her hands.

I chuckle and raise my hands in mock surrender. “No need to get competitive. It's a friendly game, remember?”

Finley narrows her eyes at me, her mouth twitching with a smile. “I'm not competitive. I just don't like losing.”

She grabs another ball and marches back to the lane, her chin held high. There's something about the way she carries herself and the fire in her eyes that I can't help but admire.

Finley's not the type to back down from a challenge.

As she lines up another shot, I lean back, admiring how her eyes sparkle when she smiles. Seeing Finley in this new light, laughing and relaxed outside of work, I'm struck by how natural spending time with her feels.

Finley releases the ball, and this time, it sails down the center of the lane, knocking down every last pin. Finley pumps her fist in the air.

“Looks like the student is becoming the master,” I praise.

She laughs, and the sound is like sunshine. “I think you might be my lucky charm.”

As I look at her, glowing with pride, I think she might be mine, too. I realize this is the most fun I've had on a date in a long time.

Something about spending time with Finley feels right, like a missing piece clicking into place.

While we keep playing, the conversation flows effortlessly.

“So, what does the talented baker extraordinaire do when she's not whipping up delicious treats?” I ask, leaning against the ball return.

Finley shrugs, selecting her next ball. “Oh, you know, the usual. Netflix binges, trying new recipes and enjoying the thrilling single life.”

“Solo life, huh?” I ask casually. “How long has that been going on?”

“A while,” Finley admits, focusing on her shot. “It's not easy finding someone who understands the demands of running a small business.”

“I can imagine. It takes a lot of dedication and heart. Which you have in spades.”

Finley looks at me, a bit surprised by the compliment. “Thanks, Jake. That means a lot.”

Her expression is curious as we reset for the next frame. “So, where's Amber tonight? Is she with her mother?”

A familiar tightness squeezes my chest at the mention of my soon-to-be ex-wife. I take a deep breath, knowing I owe Finley an explanation.

“Amber's with my parents tonight,” I begin, fiddling with the bowling ball. “My wife, well, soon-to-be ex-wife, cheated on me with her co-worker.”

Finley's eyes widen with sympathy. “Oh, Jake, I'm so sorry.”

I shrug, trying to play it off.

“When I confronted her, she packed her stuff and left. We haven't seen or heard from her since. My parents are a huge help. They love having Amber over for sleepovers like tonight. Gives me a break from the single dad routine.”

Finley smiles softly. “I can imagine how much being a single dad changed your life. It’s great that you have such a supportive family.”

I take a moment to gather my thoughts. “It was tough at first, juggling work and being there for Amber.”

Finley listens, her eyes full of understanding. I smile wistfully.

“It's also been the most rewarding thing ever. Amber's my whole world. Every choice I make is what's best for her.”

I laugh, remembering a particular incident. “Amber had a school play a while back, and I was working on a huge project due at work. There was no way I was missing Amber’s big acting debut. So, I pulled an all-nighter to make sure I was front and center at her show.”

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