Page 114 of The Game Changer

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A checked-out mother, an absent father, and me. Oh, and like fifty bucks to my name.

That’s it. I don’t got shit.

Well, maybe the Hockey House bros. Man, they’ll make the best uncles. The thought makes me grin, and by the time I reach the building that my next class is in, I’m actually feeling better about things.

Caroline just needs some space. She’ll call me when she’s ready, and I’ll show up and be the guy she needs. Ben will deal with this, and somehow we’ll figure it out. Even if he is the dad, we’re gonna make this work… for her. For my sweet Caroline.

“Hey.” Asher raises his chin at me.

I slap his hand in greeting, then pound my knuckles against Ethan’s.

“What’s the haps?” I ask, trying to remember what classes they have now.

“I’m heading to econ.” Asher points over his shoulder, walking backward and raising his hand in farewell.

I look to Ethan. “I’ll probably go park it in the library while I wait for my tutoring session. What about you?”

“I’m—” My phone starts playing “Sweet Caroline,” and I grin. “I’m taking a phone call.”

Ethan chuckles, slapping me on the shoulder and starting to walk off.

“Hey, Cherry Girl. You need me?” I’m only joking. After the way she looked, sex is probably the last thing she wants, but anything to get a smile out of her, right?

She sniffs, and her voice is barely audible when she answers me. “I need you.”

“Hey, are you okay?” Alarm bells start ringing out of nowhere, and it must come through in my voice, because Ethan jerks to a stop and spins around to check on me.

“Something’s wrong.” Her voice catches. “There’s so much blood, Casey.”

She can barely get out the words, and I sway on my feet, wondering what the fuck she could mean. Ethan’s walking back toward me, asking what’s wrong as I struggle to form a thought. “Where are you?” My voice is ragged as images of her lying on the floor in a pool of blood try to decimate me. Who did that to her? Was she shot? Beaten?

Did Ben come back for some kind of retribution?

Are all the things I heard about him total bullshit?

Will I be killing a man for hurting my woman?

My mind is going so wild with a frenzy of questions that I nearly miss her answer.

“Bathroom,” she whimpers. “In the Humanities building.”

And just like that, my brain clicks into action mode.

I start running. “I’m coming, baby.”



I drop my phone as another blinding pain wraps around my lower back and abdomen. A splurge of liquid fires out between my legs, and I whimper, scrambling to unbutton my pants and check my underwear. I nearly pass out when I notice a huge clot, my stomach revolting as I close my eyes and try to breathe through the pain.

It’s so intense, I don’t know what to do with myself.

Blood is flowing down my leg now, coating my clothing and making me cry.

Curling onto my side, I lie down on the floor, pressing my face against the cold tiles. The cold, disgusting, germ-filled tiles. Leilani would be horrified.

I close my eyes, not giving a shit about germs.
