Page 51 of The Game Changer

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But I did say that, so I’d better fucking nod.

“So, as the baby daddy, it’s kind of your responsibility to ease some of this pressure for me.”

I don’t know what the hell this pressure is, but… “Sure. What do you need?”

Crossing her arms, she squeezes her elbow, her cheeks going even redder as we finally get to the truth. “I’m horny as hell. It’s a first trimester thing, apparently, and I need—” She huffs again. “There’s only so much that touching myself will satisfy.”

My insides ping, this weird, giddy feeling jumping in my belly. My brain is exploding with images of her touching herself, so much that they nearly distract me from the main point.

Holy shit! Is she asking for me to…?

I can’t help a grin. “And what do you need exactly?”

She scowls. Her angry look is adorable, and I am having way too much fun right now. “You’re really gonna make me say it?”

I nod, my grin playful as I slowly close the distance between us. “You need…”

“I need… dick. I need your dick.” She flicks her fingers toward my crotch, and I swear it takes everything in me not to punch the air with a whoop.

I’ve always made a point to never sleep with the same girl twice, but I’m not even hesitating over breaking the rules for her.

It’s my responsibility, right?

She just said it.

Before I can waste one more second thinking about that, I scoop my arm around her waist and pull her against me.

Duty fucking calls!



His lips are hot and demanding, his tongue a fiery poker in my mouth. I take the burn. I welcome it. My already raging hormones are starting a party right now, and I can feel an orgasm building.

With greedy hands, I push the hoodie off his shoulders and yank his shirt up. It’s a chaotic, frantic dance as I desperately try to get to his skin. I want my hands on him. I need to feel the hard ridges of his abs and pecs. I want to skim my fingers down the hairline from his belly button to that mound protecting the one thing I need the most.

His tongue and lips are still massacring my mouth, popping free to suck and nibble my chin, my jawline, my neck as he slips the jacket off my shoulders. It lands with a thump on the floor as I tip my head back, giving him easier access to my skin.

I let out a groan, my fried nerves on the verge of full explosion.

He hasn’t even touched any of my most sensitive spots yet and I’m already splintering. This is insane.

Grabbing my ass, he grinds our hips together, and the second his hard ridge brushes my V-jay, I am gone. I let out a gasp, my body vibrating as an orgasm crashes through me.

“Are you…?” Casey leans back so he can look at my face.

I can’t see him—my eyes have rolled to the back of my head while I ride out this quick, powerful moment of pleasure.

“Already? We’re not even naked yet.” His surprise is comical, and I end up laughing through the last of my heady rush. It’s my low, I-have-no-control-over-myself laugh that makes me sound like a Disney villain, but I can’t seem to stop the sound.

My embarrassment is the least of my worries.

Reaching for his pants, I frantically unbutton them, yanking down the fly and shoving them off his hips before quickly shimming out of my own pants.

He wants naked, I’ll give him naked.

“I need you now,” I pant. “Like now!”
