Page 36 of Forever Flaunting

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“Well, you sure understood that.”

“True,” he grinned. “But what I understand even more is that if I want forever, I need to be patient.”

… And her mouth dropped open as he took several steps backward, before raising a hand to wave ‘good night’ silently, walking back toward his brother’s truck.

He wanted forever… with her?

Elana stood there staring as the truck started up, and Max flashed his lights as if to say ‘bye’ again, before pulling out of the driveway. He was leaving. He barely attempted to kiss her good night, making her wonder what was going on. He’d snuck a kiss earlier in the day in her office, and it hadn’t been what she expected either.

She thought Max was showing his true self by being obnoxious and handcuffing himself to her – and then her bed, but was he?

Or was this the true Max she was getting a glimpse of?

The man who talked, shared, laughed, and treated her like she was special. A guy who didn’t press himself on her but rather acted like her feelings mattered. The fellow that completely bowled her over. He made her want to run after him, chasing him and to prevent that, she took a step backward into her house, quickly bolting the door. Yes, the urge to hop in her car and follow him was wrong – because she’d been looking forward to his kiss ever since he’d stolen one earlier in the day.




“Hey,” Max called out from the bathroom, wrapping a towel around his hips and wincing as his sister-in-law walked past the door. “I thought you two were working and I heard a bunch of noise.”

“We’re heading back out, and yes, we’re on the schedule,” Eileen answered, hurriedly getting a few things out of the pantry. “What’s up?”

“Where’s a good place to get coffee nearby?”

“Well, there’s the café on the square, or you could always…”

“Café works. Thanks, Eileen…”

“Wait a second,” Reese interrupted bluntly. “What are you up to?”

“Me?” Max replied nervously. “Me, nothing. I’m about five foot eleven and…”

“You know what I mean,” and saw Reese cross his arms over his chest.

“Uh, I’m just gonna hop back in the bathroom,” Max blurted out, pointing at the open doorway beside him. “It’s a little brisk, and I’ve got stuff to do.”

“Nope,” Reese blurted out, and Max ran – he nearly skidded on the tile floor in his hurry to lock the door behind him, only to hear Reese knocking. Yeah, they had an age gap between them, but the two were close just like any other family regardless. “You can’t hide. I know you. You can make a penny scream because you’ve pinched the sucker so hard…”

“Ah, so it’s genetic,” Eileen quipped loudly.

“Not funny, babe,” Reese blurted out, knocking on the door again. “What is going on is that you are up early, showering again – because that’s three times in three days, and talking about going to buy coffee. What gives?”

“You make it sound like I’m a bad person.”

“Frugal,” Reese corrected. “You are a very frugal person.”


“You’ve saved ketchup before from Whataburger…”

“Oh heavens, it is genetic…” Eileen groaned.

“First off,” Max said, yanking open the bathroom door. “I’m in my birthday suit with a towel, bro… secondly, it’s good ketchup.”

And he started to shut the door again – only to have Reese stop him.

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