Page 21 of Tempting Reese

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“Mmmm, just a little longer,” Cash murmured, nudging her hair out of the way, kissing the sensitive skin of her neck.

“Cash,” Reese meant to use her stern mom voice, but it came out sounding like a needy breathless moan.

“Huh,” he replied, rubbing his morning wood along the seam of her ass.

“Cash,” Reese tried again. “Cash, it is daylight. Mav is going to be up soon, and Pappy will be ready for breakfast.”

“Oliver should be cooking his new woman breakfast after sleeping in my nice big bed,” Cash countered, running his hand under Reese’s shirt. Feeling the bare skin of her stomach had him clenching the throw pillow under his head with his other hand. Caressing the skin with his roughened hand made Reese tense. Cash’s hand rubbed in small circles, getting her used to his touch.

When she relaxed against him and started moving against his length, Cash moved his hand higher. His thumb made it to the bottom of her breast, the very tip of it slid under the edge of her bra, edging closer to what he wanted. His mouth watered with the need to feel the weight of her breast in his palm. He wanted to feel the way her nipple pebbled, hear her intake of breath as he found what pleased her, but the thundering of an elephant had Reese jumping away from him. In her haste, she pushed him from his teetering position on the edge of the couch as Mav thundered down the stairs.

Cash ended up on the floor with Reese on top of him. She sat up straddling him, pushing off him in her effort to get away, only to end up in a heap of tangled arms and legs when Mav stumbled into the living room.

“Morning, Mom,” Mav stumbled into the kitchen, barely awake.

“Damn kid,” Cash swore. He held Reese in place before she fell on him again. He got lucky she hadn’t kneed him the first time. With the wood he was sporting, it was hard to miss. “Beautiful,” Cash waited until her nervous gaze met his much calmer one. “Hey, it’s okay. Breathe, Beautiful. Nothing happened, we both have all our clothes on, and Mav is still half asleep.”

“Yeah,” She agreed, nodding her head like a bobblehead.

Cash grabbed her hips, shaking her body gently. “Woman, look at me,” he commanded.

Still nodding her head Reese turned her attention to him. Mav almost caught them. Her son almost saw his mother with a man on the couch in the living room. How could she have let this happen?

“Reese, why don’t you go make some coffee. Feed the kid. I have to get ready for work.”

“Yeah,” Reese said, not moving from her spot straddled across his lap.

“Reese, as much as I want you to keep wiggling around on my lap, I don’t want to be interrupted when I finally get you all to myself. Beautiful, your choices are, make Mav something to eat so we can go to work or see what is going on at my place. Do you want to chance walking in on your Pappy with his lady friend?”

Reese’s intake of breath followed by a giggle had Cash starting to laugh with her. Pulling her head into his chest, he rolled her under him while she continued to giggle about what was going on at Cash’s house. “Laugh it up, woman. I am the one that gets to walk in on them after I get interrupted before I even get to cop a good feel.”

“I slept on the couch with you,” Reese countered. “So, it isn’t like you got the short end of the deal.”

“Yep,” Cash grinned at her. He dropped a quick kiss on her lips before levering himself off her. “Come on,” he reached down, yanking her up off the floor. “You have an interview to get ready for, and I have to get to work.”

“Good morning,” Pappy called from the back door. “Are we headed to work today?”

“Oh, thank fuck,” Cash sighed.

“Not looking forward to walking in on my grandfather and his new lady?” Reese teased.

“Coffee,” Cash told her, turning her toward the kitchen and swatting her behind. When she shot him a hot glance that betrayed her need over her shoulder, Cash groaned. “Holy shit, you like that. Damn, I need to go home and change clothes.”

“You call it whatever you want,” Reese teased, looking pointedly at his pants. “I will have them ready by the time you get back.”

“Woman,” he growled, stalking toward her, pulling her to him. “We don’t have time to do what I want to do to you. When I take you back to my house, I will spread you across the first surface I can find. I am going to take my time, and when I am done, you, my beautiful woman, will be ruined for any other man. No one will ever compare. No one will be able to make your body tremble like I have. No one will ever be between those lovely thighs again after I am. When I tell you I am going home to change my clothes, it means I am going home to change my clothes. Why would I want to palm one out when the only hands I want on my dick are yours?”

“You might want to use your hands to put your sheets in the dryer,” Pappy interrupted as he walked through the living room on his way upstairs.

Reese couldn’t help it. The laughter just flowed out of her until tears started.

“Christ on a crutch. Does everyone in this damn family have shitty timing?”

“Go change your clothes,” Reese wiped the tears running down her cheeks with the back of her hand. “I will make you some coffee to go.”

Thirty minutes later, Reese ushered Mav and Pappy out the door with a travel mug of coffee and foil-wrapped breakfast sandwiches for everyone. She was out of the shower and standing in front of her closet, trying to decide what to wear. Choosing to air on the side of sensibility, she decided on a lightweight silver tank with a maroon floral pattern stitched into the fabric and a pair of dark, dressy jeans. The peep-toed booties she wore the last time were calling to her, but she could still feel the pain they caused. By the time she was dressed, Reese had decided to go with the simple black flats. They may have been purchased at the dollar store, but no one would ever know with this outfit. A quick brush of her hair and some lip gloss, and she was out the door holding onto her tray of tarts.

Thankfully, Cash had fixed her car. He warned her the wiring would go soon. She needed to start looking into a new one before something worse happened. Reese reminded him again that wasn’t an option. There was no need to walk into town in this heat. Surely the little car wouldn’t leave her today. She and her tarts would be melted by the time they got to the bakery.
