Page 62 of Tempting Reese

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“Beautiful,” Cash growled, heat flashing in his eyes.

“If you want breakfast, we can talk about it later. Hear me, Cash, I said talk. No making plans without me agreeing to it.”

“Talk, talk, talk,” he teased. “All my woman wants to do is talk.”

“My mouth can do a lot of things,” Reese began walking her fingers up his chest. “But it doesn’t have to do them with you.”

“Nope, you are mine. I know it, and you know it. Can’t get rid of me now.”

“You would just break into my house and sleep at my bedroom door.”

“See, you are coming around,” Cash laughed.

“Go put some clothes on and then get your ass across the street if you want pancakes,” Reese tried to sound tough, but her laugh slipped out at the end.

Placing a kiss on his lips, she stopped his response. Forcing herself away, Reese left him standing in his kitchen. Even though it was still dark when she stepped out onto Cash’s porch, there was no way she was going to be able to hide. The porch lights were on the entire way down the street. Reese shrugged and wrapped her robe a little tighter. It wasn’t like they all weren’t talking about her anyway. May as well give the gossip mill something to discuss over their morning coffee.

Reese held her head high as she crossed the street. She didn’t look at any of the neighbors, and she couldn’t bring herself to care if they were gawking at her. Her bare feet were damp when she made it to her porch. Smelling coffee, Reese smiled. Mav was waiting on her. Probably Pappy too. Opening her door, she thought about what Cash said. He wanted to live together. He did have a few good points about the living situation, but she wasn’t telling him that, yet.

Chapter 24

“Hhhmm, Beautiful,” Cash complained, rolling over and burying his head under his pillow.

“The alarm rings the same time every morning,” Reese reminded him. “It isn’t my fault someone kept us up half the night.”

Reese slipped out of the bed they shared for the last month, turning off the offending noise before it woke up everyone in the house. Finding her robe on the floor, she smiled reflecting on how it got to that spot on the floor. Lying with the sheet barely covering him, Cash remained oblivious to her watching him.

She headed for the bathroom. There was just enough time for a quick shower before coffee. Reese had just gotten under the hot spray when she felt the curtain move. Cash stepped in beside her drawing her close.

“Cash, I have to go to work.”

“I know,” he mumbled into her hair.

“You can’t blame me for your blue balls when you are the one who gets in the shower with me.”

“The hell it ain’t your fault,” he growled at her with one eye open.

“I hear you,” she sighed. “Now you hear me. I have to go to work. This shower is for washing only. If you want more, it will have to wait until later.”

“What do you mean if I want more? Beautiful, I always want more,” he admonished, handing her the shampoo she liked.

“No time,” she replied, hurriedly washing her hair. “Besides, we both know we suck at quickies.”

“Beautiful, you cannot say things like suck and quickies when you are telling me I have to wait.”

Cash wanted to tell her again they needed a bigger shower. One with more than one shower head and one of those benches he could bend her over to get her all dirty as she slid onto his cock. Maybe even a jetted tub if there was a way to rearrange the bathroom.

However, his woman was stubborn. It was going to happen, but he was just waiting for the right time to tell her. When Reese couldn’t be persuaded to find a bigger place, Cash settled the argument moving most of his things in with her. His things mixed with hers, Mav’s, and Pappy’s, creating a full house. No one seemed to mind as they settled into a new rhythm.

Reese finished her washing routine and left Cash under the hot spray. She wrapped herself in a towel, hurrying down the hall to get dressed. Cash walked in a few minutes later with a towel tucked low around his hips. Her quick intake of breath gave her thoughts away as she watched a droplet of water make its way down his chest across his toned stomach and disappear under the towel.

“Woman, we don’t have time. Remember?” He teased.

“Yeah, I remember,” Reese sighed with a look over her shoulder she saw the terry cloth hit the floor as she closed their bedroom door behind her.

Mornings together had become one of their few precious times alone. Reese poured herself a cup of coffee and set a cup out for him. Digging through the fridge, she pulled out biscuits and sausage for breakfast. One of the few perks of getting up earlier was sharing a quiet meal with him. She could make better biscuits than the ones that came from the tube, but when time was limited, she would rather spend it talking with Cash than making them from scratch. Popping the biscuits in the oven, she started cooking the sausage.

Hearing Cash on the stairs, Reese poured him a cup of coffee. Handing him the steaming cup as he entered the kitchen fully dressed, he sent her one of the smiles that melted her into a puddle of gooey mess.

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