Page 19 of Terror

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“I’m glad you had a good time.” River's dad pats me on the shoulder, and I smile at him.

“Thank you.”

Marie looks like she is floating. “My son is the best.” I laugh because she isn’t wrong. “You did a great job with him, Marie.”

I swear she looks at me like I just hung the moon at my comment.

I finish my food and throw my trash away needing to get back to the late lunch crowd we usually get.

I push open the double swinging doors and wave to the little toddler who has gone through three sets of crayons already because she keeps breaking them. Her mom on the other hand looks like she hasn’t slept in a month.

I fill up her coffee cup and slide another coloring sheet to her little girl because I know she will need it.

There’s no stopping my laugh when she fists the crayon scribbling across the paper.

The door is pushed open and one of my regulars from the mechanic shop down the street comes in. “Come on in, sit anywhere,” I yell at him over my shoulder while I take a few of the single mom’s plates.

Seth, the mechanic guy down the street, sits down in a booth. I slide a menu in front of him. “Do you want to start off with coffee or a soda?” I ask him.

He is staring at me, oddly. I touch my face expecting something on it. “Are you okay, Seth?” I ask him. He’s usually a lot friendlier and a lot less with the awkward staring. It’s acting like he did that first day I was here and saw him.

“Coffee,” he sneers, with a gruff and just looks at me.

I nod my head and walk away, silently. I grab a mug and the coffee carafe, bringing it over to pour it in front of him. I stopped carrying hot coffee when I got burnt for the hundredth time.

Outside the window, I see a tow truck next to my car and Terror is watching them take it.

When he mentioned that he was going to work on it, I honestly didn’t really take him seriously.

But is obvious that he was and meant right now.

“I will be back in a minute, Seth,” I tell him and set the coffee pot back onto the warmer.

I push open the door, the air is slightly chilly, but I cross the short distance to where Terror is. “You really are getting my car fixed,” I say from behind him. He turns around and gives me a blinding smile.

My heart almost stops in my chest at the sight, and my stomach is in knots. He takes my hand in his, and his hand is so warm compared to my cold one.

“I can’t afford to get it fixed,” I confess to him even though it sucks not being able to drive.

He gives me a look. “You’re not paying for shit. I got this.” He kisses my cheek and I lean into him, soaking in his warmth.

“I gotta get back to work.”

I turn around and walk toward the diner, and in the window of the door I can see Seth staring at me along with Terror’s mom. But their facial expressions are showing completely different emotions. Hers is filled with joy and his is filled with anger.

I smile at her and make my way to Seth with my note pad. “Ready to order?” I ask him and lean against the booth on the other side of him doing my best to ignore his odd antics.

“Go on a date with me?” he asks loudly.

I look over at Marie and her eyes are raised in amusement. My face burns at him asking me out on a date.

I clear my throat and rub the back of my neck trying to think of the best way to let him down.

He seems like a nice enough person but I’m in no way interested in him. “Seth, I’m seeing someone,” I say softly, trying to make my words easy on him. I twist the notebook, not liking letting someone down.

He looks at me, doesn’t say a word, and it’s uncomfortable. “Can I get you anything to eat?” I ask, holding my pen.

But he just stares at me, and my heart starts racing because he is not saying a word. I look over at Marie wondering if she is watching this uncomfortable situation going down.
