Page 87 of Before You

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Her face began to relax.

I certainly hadn’t missed how tense it looked.

“And it was a sunny day,” she said.

I nodded. “I’m thankful for that.” I took another sip, hoping I’d satisfied her enough that she would change the topic.

“I have news.”

Relieved that I’d gotten my wish, I reached forward and grabbed a cube of cheese and a slice of prosciutto. “Oh, yeah? What kind of news?”

“I picked a man.”

“What?” I said, chewing the bite that was in my mouth. “You already have a man, so why in the hell would you be looking for another one?”

“He’s not for me. He’s for you.”

I shook my head. “Oh no.”

“You know I’ve been dying to set you up with one of the art directors in my office, and now, it’s finally time. Don’t think I forgot the promise you made me.”

Three months and one week ago, Rose had asked if she could set me up.

I’d told her I would consider it in three months.

She had been smart not to ask me last week.

She was even smarter to ask me now.

I set down the almost-empty glass I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

Just as I was about to respond, she said, “I’m not asking you to get serious with the guy. I just want you to meet him for dinner. The same thing we’re doing right now. If there’s chemistry, pursue him. If there isn’t, then at least you tried.”

“You really want to get me laid, don’t you?”

“Is that a bad thing?”

I opened my mouth and then instantly closed it. I needed to think about what I was going to say before something unforgettable came tumbling out of it. “No, I suppose it’s not.”

“Good.” She grinned. “Then, let me get you laid.”

I didn’t know if I’d actually go on the date with the art director. But, to avoid one of Rose’s talks, I smiled and made sure my tone was convincing when I said, “I can hardly wait.”

If you would like to keep reading, click HERE to purchase When Ashes Fall.
