Page 42 of Just a Taste

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He crosses his arms over his chest and nods toward the parking spot where Emily’s car was a moment ago.

“Why didn’t you take her up on her offer?”

I open and close my mouth a few times. “Not like you left me much of a choice.”

He shakes his head and lets out a mirthless snort of laughter. “Try not to lie to yourself, at least, James. She was sure as shit into you. Most likely willing to fuck you, but instead of taking her up on that offer, you’re choosing hard labor at a stranger’s house.”

“If you don’t want me to?—”

“Never said I didn’t. Just trying to figure out why you’re stringing her along if you’re not interested.”

“I’m not stringing her along.”

He sends me one of his sardonic looks. “My bad. So you are interested in her?”

I can’t answer that, so I just stand still and clamp my mouth shut. Lake’s eyes stay on me as he stalks closer, straight up to me until there are scant inches of air between us. That air gives out a low hum that vibrates all around me and makes the pavement underneath my feet feel like it’s moving. My lungs don’t seem to remember that their primary function is to supply my body with oxygen.

“You know what your problem is, Ryk?” He leans in, icy blue eyes at once smug and searching. “You have no fucking clue what you want.”

I almost start to laugh at that. At the undeniable truth in those words. Does he think he’s revealing something new with this?

It would be okay if he left it at that.

I would be okay with him leaving it at that.

Instead, he leans closer. His mouth so close to my ear I swear his nose touches my hair.

“Or maybe—” That pause is very much deliberate. “—maybe the problem is you do know,” he says.

I whip my head toward him and meet his gaze. His challenging, laughing, mocking gaze. I draw in a slow breath and try to quell the inferno of lust that shoots straight to my cock.

Yeah. So that’s new.

It’s as if somebody’s shot adrenaline into my bloodstream. Everything feels brighter for a moment. Sharper. Unreal. My heart hammers in my chest like it’s trying to escape.

Lake meets my gaze steadily. No erratic heartbeat for him. No stray nerves. Just some good ol’, run-of-the-mill scrutiny.

His tongue flicks out, and he licks his lips absently. My stomach muscles clench painfully, my dick gives a jerk, and a whoosh of breath rushes out.

He tilts his head to the side by a tiny increment, still as calm as ever.

He studies me silently for another moment before he finally says, “Pick me up at seven-thirty tomorrow.” He’s suddenly all business.

He turns and walks away without another look.

I watch him go.

It sort of feels like I’m watching the rescue boat leave without picking me up. Deserted and confused.


Ryker frowns and pushes the car door shut. His eyes stay glued on the house in front of us.

Finally, he turns to look at me over the roof of the car.

“Gotta say, I did not expect that.”

I drain the last of the coffee from my travel mug, put it back into the cupholder, and straighten up.

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