Page 31 of Lovin' on Red

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A rush of cold air blew in when Jesse and Rory entered, stamping their boots on the welcome mat. Both men wore jeans, jackets, and enormous grins.

“Hail the conquering heroes. About time you guys got here.” Tavo’s massive silhouette outlined the kitchen doorway.

Brenna quickly made her way to Jesse. He enveloped her in a hearty hug, knocking her carefully angled Santa hat askew. When Rory scanned the room, Vi dropped her head. She couldn’t bear to watch his eyes seek Paige. They both declared they were only friends, but their adamant denials still made her wonder.

“Are they here? Everybody circle up.” Amid the commotion, Vi glanced up to see Paige looking all festive in her black leggings and shiny gold tunic. Classy. Sophisticated.

Vi wanted to hide. Brenna and Paige insisted Vi wear her elf costume, but now she felt silly. Bright green and white striped leggings and up-turned shoes with jingle bells? Not her finest hour. Letting her hair fall around her face, she took her time joining the others. The playlist merrily chorused, God rest ye merry gentlemen, let nothing you dismay …

A pair of boots blocked her way. Head down, she attempted to go around, stopping when the boots mimicked her steps. Slightly annoyed, she looked into Rory’s smiling face.

“How’s Santa’s helper this evening?” His eyes soft, he appeared glad to see her. And his barely concealed amusement proved contagious.

Vi giggled self-consciously. “The costume seemed a good idea before real people showed up.”

Rory stroked his beard, then whispered, “You make an adorable elf.”

Oh, dear. Her knees nearly buckled at his crooked grin.

He tucked the loose strands of hair behind her ears. A mischievous look crossed his features, and he stuck his finger in her ear.

She ducked away, a smile tugging at her lips. “Behave.” She made to move around him. Affecting an air of innocence, he followed, grabbing her hand.

“Everybody ready to pray?” Paige gave Vi and Rory a pointed look, her brown eyes dancing. Standing beside her, Tavo smirked.

Amen pronounced, somebody yelled, “Yeeee-ha! Let’s eat.” People laughed as they made their way toward the kitchen. Rory didn’t leave her side.

“How did your trip go?” Vi studied him as they waited in line. The tiny crow’s feet around his eyes had deepened into creases.

“Tough. Rosa suffers from mood swings, and now her safety net is gone. Manny was the steady one.”

“Hard to watch,” Vi murmured.

“Yeah. Thanks.” Eyes pooling with emotion, he squeezed her hand.

People emerged from the kitchen with loaded plates. The smoky brisket fragrance permeated the air. A snazzy version of “Jingle Bell Rock” blared from a speaker. Jesse’s sister Nat hip-bumped Tavo as he waded through the line with monster-sized helpings on a double thickness of paper plates.

Rory sniffed. “Smells divine, Chief.” He pivoted back to Vi, leaning in until his beard brushed her cheek. “Got something to show you and talk about after dinner.” She shot him a questioning look.

“Nope. It’s a secret.” He rubbed a hand over his chin. “First, we eat.”

Ants gnawed on the edges of Vi’s stomach. What was Rory up to now?

Rory yawned with satisfaction after a second helping and pushed back in the cushy chair. He’d had to coax her, but Vi had consented to sit with him and share a food tray. She’d insisted on him taking the comfy seat. Any chair would have worked if it brought her near.

This woman. One foot away, and he wanted her closer. Maybe he could finagle a hug before the evening passed.

Vi had eaten well enough, even if she seemed tense. Her questions about the trip weren’t probing or nosy, and she’d listened when he answered. Still, something seemed off. She’d glanced over at Silas more than once. What if it boiled down to pity? The brisket turned to concrete en route to his stomach.

Well, best get his surprise over with. The remodeling plans were underway. Now he’d found a solution for her late-night walks—if she’d accept the dog. Then he would have completed what he set out to do.

Why did it feel so bleak?

He stirred from the chair. “Ready to find out what the secret is?”

She nodded, but her eyes looked troubled. “I’m not good with surprises.” Her bottom lip resembled raw meat where she’d chewed it. If only she’d let him kiss away whatever was bothering her. Focus, dude.

“I promise this one will be different.” He stood, holding out his hand. She took it and stepped around the food tray, careful to avoid the used cups and plates.
