Page 59 of The Parolee

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And if anyone saw him in the mountains, they aren’t saying.

“Nope, sorry, I haven’t heard from him.”

He sighs again, asks me the same questions I’ve heard dozens of times before. But I know they don’t suspect me. Drew was too clever for that. But he reckoned without Torin.

Finally, just as the officer gets up to go, Torin walks in the door, his broad shoulders filling the narrow frame.

He nods politely at the officer, then his eyes lock on me as they always do. The officer seems pleased to see him with a big haul of wood.

And, if you didn’t know him, you wouldn’t assume he was an unhinged psycho obsessed with his sister.

But I do.

“Ah yes, I heard you were keeping house for your brother now,” the officer says.

I say nothing.

I am kept filled and fucked by my obsessed, insatiable brother, whenever and however he wants.

And I don’t want it any other way.

At the door, the officer turns back and, although my heart is still pounding, I force myself to smile at him.

“I must say, young lady,” he says, “It’s really nice to see family so close. It’s something you don’t always see nowadays with our fast-paced modern world.”

I feel my brother beside me, his body so close to mine that his heat radiates and pulls at me, sending pulses of heat along my skin.

“That’s true,” I say. “Family’s important to me.”

And I wave goodbye as my brother’s hand snakes around my waist and I’m pulled close to him, his tongue on my throat, his words low and gravelly in my ear.

Hello sister

Clever girl

What would I do without you

God, you look good

Open your legs, baby

I need you right now, god, I have to have you

I love you so much

And I lean back into his love with a sigh of bliss.
