Page 19 of Broken Little Dove

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“Take a look, our boy Callum is stiff as a board,” Cole says, directing her to look down between my legs.

I'm thankful for my sitting position but I imagine my heated cheeks are a dead giveaway. I glance to Lana and she looks confused.

“I think it's my little brother’s turn now whore,” he suggests and Lana snaps her head to him and then back to me.

“No. Absolutely not. Fuck no. I'm all set man.”

“I don't think you are all set, Cal. You got hard watching her suck me off. Your dick clearly wants some action.”

“No,” I simply state.

“I’ll tell ya what. If you don't let her suck your cock then I'm going for round 2 and this time she will choke on my dick until she loses consciousness.”

Lana’s eyes go wide and she stares at me with fear. Fuck. He’s such a prick.

“Still no? Okay, fine.” Cole shrugs, stands up and grabs Lana by the hair and drags her up to her knees again.

She cries out and I jump up again.

“Fine. Fucking move.” I shove him away and pull out my dick.

I can’t decipher the look in Lana’s eyes as she sees my hard dick in my hand turning towards her. I hold her head in place by her hair and she closes her eyes tight as if bracing herself or simply can't bear to look at me. I begin jerking my throbbing cock in front of her face as I look down at her. My pace is fast. I want this over with as soon as possible. Then I’m suddenly moaning as streams of my cum coat her pretty face. I hear Cole laughing and Lana opens her eyes with a shocked expression. I let her go and take my shirt off, tossing it to her to clean her face.

“Not exactly what I requested but that’s fucking great man. Look at her Cal! Covered in your fucking jizz like the whore that she is,” he says laughing. “Get her back downstairs. I'm off to bed.” Then he’s gone. Leaving me standing here with Lana still on the ground wiping at her face.

When she’s done cleaning herself off she stands and I grab the chain and we walk to the basement not saying a word. I attach the chain back to the wall with the lock and turn to leave.

“Callum,” Lana calls after me.

I stop but don't turn around. I can't look into those eyes after what I just did, after the conversation we just had in the bathroom.

“If you're about to thank me, I don't want to hear it, Lana.”

“I just wanted to say, I know why you did it. I was surprised, but I oddly appreciate what you did.”

“I just jerked off on your face and you're telling me you appreciate that?” It might have been the best option I could think of that avoided forcing Lana on my cock but I still feel repulsed with myself and even more horrified that I was turned on in the first place.

“Would you rather I hate you then?”

“Yes. No. I don't know. This whole situation is fucked up.”

“Will you look at me, Callum? Please,” That sweet voice requests.

I turn back around but stare at the wall. Her fingers brush against my hand and I flinch away.

“You’ve shown me more kindness than anyone else has in a really long time. If you’re the only light I ever find in this dark place then I will forever be grateful for you.”

My heart plummets to my stomach and for the first time in my adult life my eyes fill up. I manage to hold the tears back as I turn back around and retreat upstairs. I make it to the kitchen table and then I swipe everything off of it in one motion. Mugs and glasses shatter as they hit the floor and counter. I grab a chair next and smash it against the fridge. Wood splits and breaks apart into several pieces. I slam my hands down on the counter and hang my head. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

I undress and step into the hot shower. Nausea floods my system. I feel dirty. It’s unlikely this shower will make me feel any cleaner but I crave the scalding water that sends painful waves through my skin as a distraction as well as a form of punishment. Leaning into the hot stream, I place my forearms against the wall in front of me for support, hanging my head as the water cascades over me. I close my eyes tightly, feeling the water coating my back and sending fiery streaks down my face.

Chapter 13


More weeks pass and the three of us have all fallen into this twisted routine. Thankfully Lana has gotten her period and Cole surprisingly gives her a break during those days. He sure doesn’t mind getting his hands bloody, but I guess when it comes to his dick, it's a hard pass.

Nothing worse has happened with Cole and Lana, but nothing better either. I was hoping by now he’d want to move on and be over using her but he’s shown no sign of losing interest. I think he likes the fact that she’s available at any moment he wants to get off. He still goes down to the basement to use her but also continues to bring her upstairs too. Sometimes he fucks her on the couch or makes her ride him or go down on him while he sits in the recliner like we use to witness our dad do with females. And sometimes he brings her into his room. It all still makes me sick to my stomach and the thought of me being a piece of shit for continuing to let this go on, isn't lost on me.
