Page 43 of Broken Little Dove

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I walk to the back of the truck, removing the cover and then I jump into the bed of the truck and begin to fluff up a bunch of blankets and pillows.

Lana takes notice and starts to understand what I planned.

“Callum,” she says in quiet surprise.

Hearing my name on her lips will never get old. I look down to her when I finish putting together our cozy little retreat and bend down to help lift her up into the back of my truck. We move under the thick blankets and lay back together. I pull her into my arms and look up to the clear star filled sky.

“I thought maybe we could watch the stars again together. Under different circumstances this time.” Lana doesn't respond but when I look back to her, her eyes are staring into the sky above smiling.

A few moments pass and Lana finally speaks, “The wish I made that night did come true after all, because of you.”

“Both of our wishes came true,” I remind her. Our eyes meet and I bring my lips to hers that are slightly still stained red. “You are the most beautiful shooting star I've ever seen.” Lana smiles at that. “There’s one more wish I'd like to make though. Hopefully the stars are listening again tonight.” I turn further onto my side so I'm completely facing her and bring my hand to her warm cheek. “I wish for you to become my wife.” Lana’s eyes go wide and her mouth falls open, speechless. I nervously laugh. “I know it hasn't been that long but I know you're it for me. There’s no one else, never will be. And I want all of you, in every way I can have you, including having you as my wife.” Lana still stares at me in shock. “I’m nervous as fuck right now, so please say something.” A nervous laugh escapes my mouth again.

“Callum… I… are you really asking me?” she says, searching my eyes.

I sit up bringing her with me and pull the ring from my pants pocket. I put her hands in mine as I hear a gasp leave her.

“Yes. I'm really asking you. I love you. You're my whole world. Will you be my wife? Will you marry me, Lana?” I ask with shaking hands.

Lana's eyes fill with tears and she looks down to the ring that holds a sparkling 4-carat oval diamond on a platinum band.

“Oh my god, Callum.” Lana covers her mouth with her hand and looks at me again. “You’re serious. Oh my God, I—" Her sobs interrupt her words.

“Hey, hey, hey, don't cry. Is it too soon?” I pull her into me squeezing tightly. “It's okay, you don't have to answer right now.” I try to console her as she just falls apart in my arms.

“It's not that. I'm just…I’m so happy,” she says through sniffles. “I never thought this moment would happen in my life. I never thought anyone would really want me this much.”

“Lana, I want you more than I can express. You've made me the happiest I've ever been. You’ve healed parts of me I didn't know needed healing. I don’t just want you. I need you,” I tell her as I wipe tears away from under her eyes.

She begins laughing through the tears. “I love you so much, Callum. Yes. Absolutely yes, I will marry you, I will be your wife.”

Lana launches herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and squeezing tight. I chuckle and hug her back around her waist.

We spend the next couple hours holding our naked bodies together and drawing pleasure from each other with the moon and stars witnessing the love we make.

Over the next few months we decided to buy a house together. I somehow still managed to get some insurance money from the cabin burning down. They deemed it an accident from the bullshit explanation I gave. I also still had a large amount of money saved up over the years where I did nothing but work.

Working as much as I did was a good distraction from the past trauma lurking in the shadows of my mind and now it obviously is paying off.

We fell in love with a house we found on a small lake with five acres. It had two floors with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. It was much more modernized than the cabin which was refreshing. I didn't want anything to bear any resemblance to the old nightmare we once lived in and this home with high structured ceilings and large windows letting in so much natural light, this was a major difference from the dark, lonely cabin.

My commute to work became a little longer but I didn't mind. I’d drive any amount of distance if it meant I could come home to Lana at the end of the day.

Lana put her marketing degree to use and found a job working for a company she really seemed to like and no creepy boss either.

This new life of ours still seems so surreal. I never expected any of this. I would have laughed in your face if you told me a year ago this is where I would be, living in a beautiful home by the water with my stunning fiancée who brings me so much happiness and peace, planting flowers with her on the weekends and skinny dipping in the lake.

Every now and then I fear I'm going to wake up and find myself back at the cabin, alone, just existing.

I stare out at Lana through the floor to ceiling windows in our living room. She’s laying on her belly on a chaise lounge, basking in the hot August summer sun. A yellow bikini on her golden tanned skin covers the parts I would love to have my mouth on right now and her hair is still wet from taking a dip in the lake. She has a book in her hand, reading and a glass of her favorite raspberry lemonade on the small table next to her.

Mine. She’s all mine and a smile grows on my face at that fact.

“Hey, you wanna go grab some lunch?” I ask Lana as I approach her from behind. She closes her book and looks up at me.

“Only if we can go to that cute little place by the water again.”

“You love that place, huh?”
