Page 45 of Broken Little Dove

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I unlock our front door, pushing it open and step aside to let Lana walk in first. Lana takes a step towards the door—

“Well ain't this a sight.” A deep, all too familiar voice says from behind us.

I look to Lana and I see her wide eyes filled with shock and fear staring at the person standing in our driveway.

I slowly turn to face my brother.

“Cole,” I say with disdain.

“Nice to see you too, little brother. It's been a while. I've been hoping to run into you two. Nice place you got,” he says with an eerily calm voice and a glance to Lana standing on side of me.

“What do you want?” I carefully ask.

“What I want, I can't have Cal and it's all thanks to that whore,” he says pointing to Lana.

“Cole, You gotta move on.”

“Like you've moved on? Forgotten all about your big brother who took care of you. Who was there for you!” His calmness beginning to fade quickly.

“Let’s not do this again right now. Okay?”

“No Cal, I’ve waited long enough in the shadows while you just continue to happily go on with your life like I never existed.”

“Cole, you know why. You know why things are this way.”

“You’re right. I do know why.” His hate filled eyes land on Lana. “Her.” Cole then reaches for something behind his back and when he brings his hand forward again my eyes land on the gun in his hand by his side. Panic and adrenaline fill my veins making my limbs feel heavy. I hear Lana gasp next to me.

“Cole, don't do this,” I gently say raising a hand out to him.

He’s not close enough for me to tackle him. I can't risk the move. Not with Lana here.

“I have nothing anymore Callum. She took you from me. That fucking whore! And you let her!”

“You have to let this go, please. I'm here, I'm still here. I'm still your brother. We can work this out,” I lie, trying to comfort him and de-escalate the situation.”

“No. It's too late. You know damn well it's too late. Everything was over for me the day I went to prison. I did it for you Cal! I gave up my life for you! Now you choose her over me, some useless cunt! We were supposed to stick together, a brother's bond, you're my blood, little brother.” His voice cracks and he begins to cry. I can't recall ever seeing Cole shed a tear, even when our father would hand out a viscous beating to him.

Cole takes another step towards us and taking a closer look at him now I notice he’s much thinner and his usual well kept beard is wild along with his hair. There’s dark circles under his eyes and he looks like he’s aged drastically since I last saw him on Christmas.

He begins to pace, pulling at his hair with the gun still firm in his grip, slowly becoming more distraught and unhinged.

“Cole, please, put down the gun. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry I didn't know how to be there for you. I love you, man. We still have time,” I say as I slowly move closer to Lana.

“No. You chose the whore over me! It's over, little brother. You wouldn't even have her if it wasn't for me! I gave you her and now I can take her away!” Cole lifts the gun and points it at Lana.


I grab Lana, pulling her into me and turn.

The gun had gone off though.

I stand facing Lana, my back to Cole. Something doesn’t feel right.

“Callum?” Lana’s panicked voice says.

Our eyes fall to my chest where blood is beginning to soak my white shirt.

