Page 55 of Luca

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“Hey, hey, hey. Don’t worry. I’ll be there. When do you need me?”

“I have to work three to eleven tonight. Lucy will be here soon. But she can only stay until six. That’s when my mother usually takes over. But she and her bridge girls are on some train trip to nowhere.”

I laugh, remembering the crazy festivals she attends and don’t even question where a train to nowhere would take someone. Just hearing Jillian’s voice has calmed my nerves. “Cucciolotta, I’ll be there in plenty of time. Don’t worry.”

“Thank you, Luca. I didn’t know who else to call.”

This statement hurts. But it’s my own doing. I’m sure I’m the last person she wanted to ask, given how I’ve rejected her.



“What does Cucho… oh, I can’t begin to pronounce it. What does that mean?”

I realize I’ve slipped and called her this on a number of occasions. Honestly, I’m surprised she never asks me to translate when I slip into Italian.

I’m done fighting my feelings. There’s no question I’m drawn to her. That I want her to be mine. Even if I can’t figure out how to make that happen without putting her in jeopardy.

“It means puppy.”

The line grows quiet. “Um, what?”

“It’s a name Italian men use when talking about someone they care about. It’s meant to convey affection.” I clear my throat and look around to make sure this conversation is private. “It’s a nickname for a romantic partner who you think of fondly and want to protect.”

When she says nothing, I worry I’ve made her uncomfortable. It was a slip of the tongue. I should’ve been more careful. But I won’t take it back. I feel as if I’ve hurt her enough by not allowing her into my dangerous world. “Are you upset?”

“No. I guess I’m relieved you weren’t calling me a dog.”

I chuckle. “Far from it.” I push my sweaty hair back from my face. “Just because I’m at war with myself over doing the right thing, it doesn’t mean I don’t care about you, Jill.”

“Thank you.”

“Now, go to work, and I’ll be there by six. Okay?”

“Yes. Okay.”

“Oh.” My curiosity returns. “How did you find this number?”

“I noticed the name Custom Metal Works stamped on the piece of pipe you used to make the movie screen the other night. So, I googled it when you didn’t answer your cell.” This girl. So bright. But I need to be more careful. I make a mental note to scan her place once the kids are in bed. I’ll make sure I’ve left nothing there connecting me to her. “Well, I guess that proved you were making the right call with me.” She giggles nervously.

Confused, I push her. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve probably hit stalker status now. Huh?”

“No.” I laugh. “You were only trying to keep your job and find care for your kids. Don’t worry. You, my Cucciolotta, can stalk me anytime.”

Pop, pop, pop, pop.

Standing with my feet shoulder width apart, I hold my Semi-automatic Sporting Rifle as I consistently hit my target dead center. After emptying the round, I swap for a handgun and return to my prior stance. Blocking out everything besides the sides of my lane and the target in front of me, I begin to unload.

Colonial Gun Range is a public shooting range. Matteo and I have considered buying property and creating our own private area to practice, but this place is well run and secure. Men and women come and go, all with the intent of perfecting their skill if they should ever need to protect themselves.

I admit, coming here provides a much-needed release for me. It’s a way to target my aggression on something safe while keeping me proficient. I hope I never need it, but no one will hurt the people I care about again. Not if I have anything to say about it.

A relationship with Jill may not be possible, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want it. That I don’t want her. But whether we’re linked romantically or not, there’s no way I can allow her to be a target. This was all I could think about when I was on the phone with her the other night.

The minute she was worried about things that went bump in the night, I was on my way to my car. Hell, I didn’t even have a chance to come up with a different mode of transportation. But it was the first time my personal vehicle was anywhere near her home, not to mention, I never risk parking near her place.
