Page 32 of Own

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It was a ruby red cloak with an embroidered hood. Everything about it screamed seduction and indulgence. I’d hoped to make it into the showstopper ensemble. However, as everything came together, this wasn’t the one.

I loved it. I even planned to wear it one day when I dared to build up the courage to visit a club again, but this wasn’t the design to make my collection. Deep in my gut, I imagined something with binding and silk, a mask, maybe. Perhaps a cloak like this, but not so large or even grander.

I had no idea.

Dear God, I was going to drive myself crazy.

Whatever I created, I wanted it to be the centerpiece of the collection, unique, bold, unexpected.

“Either you tell us what is going on in your mind, or I’m going to hang you upside down from those rafters, and she will help me.” Oliana stomped her heeled foot, pointed to the railing above us, and then cocked a hand on her hip.

I noticed Karina mimicking Oliana’s stance before I could ask who she brought to assist her.

Oh, for all that was holy.

If I partied too much, someone had an opinion. Now that I worked and stayed focused, these two had issues with it.

I couldn’t win for losing.

Pulling the pins from my mouth, I said. “What is this? The Russian and Indian Inquisition?”

“Yes,” Oliana and Karina said in unison.

“Locking yourself in the studio isn’t healthy. We need you to live a little Sophia. You can’t spend every day in this building.” Karina stalked up to me and pulled me up from my knees.

The movement had me wincing as a pins and needles sensation shot through my joints.

Oh, man. That hurt.

Maybe I’d stayed in that position way longer than I’d thought.

“I can’t take a break now. I feel it. That final piece. I think it will come to me at any moment.”

Karina’s face softened. “Look, I get it. I know the obsession to finish a collection when the muse is in overdrive. However, I also know that if you don’t take a break, you won’t be able to get anything done. You will burn out.”

“I’m not burning out. I’m fucking determined. There is a huge difference.”

Oliana folded her arms across her body. “You know who’s determined? Me. Let’s go.”


“Wherever I take you.” She eyed me from head to toe and curled her nose. “You are not wearing that. Karina, find her some decent clothes. This is a travesty. I thought you were a model with a sense for fashion. I’m burning that as soon as you take it off.”

“Look. I get you are all mob queen and push everyone around, but I have things to do, and falling into line when you say jump isn’t one of them.”

She moved to tower over me. “Don’t make me cut up your designs. I’m the crazy bitch who will do it just to make a point.”

I wouldn’t put it past the lunatic and her threats to actually go through with them.

“I hate you.” I scowled at Oliana.

She shrugged and then smirked. “Maybe right now, but later, you’ll kiss and hug me and then tell me you love me.”

“I wouldn’t hold my breath.”

* * *

“Are you having fun?” Oliana asked as I lounged on plush couches in the VIP section of her newest nightclub, Misha.
