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“Then let me make something else clear. I know you’re into kink.”

I rolled my eyes. “Duh. You asked me to take you to Lucian’s club.”

“How about this? I know you met Damon there.”

I lifted a brow. “Outside of Eva and Lucian, no one knows this. How did you find out?”

“I’m not twelve. I see things. I listen. Everyone in our family has secrets and preferences they think I don’t know about.”

“And you want to go to Violent Delights to explore your preferences? Is that what I’m hearing?”

She nodded. “I’m curious. There are things about me I want to understand. I looked up clubs near campus but decided against going there.”

I sighed in relief. “Don’t step foot in any of those places, Lizzy. Most of those clubs aren’t safe.”

“I know this. That’s why I’m asking you to take me. I really don’t want to have to talk to Lucian about this.”

I gaped at her. “You were going to talk to Lucian if I said no?”

“Please, Sophia, don’t make me do it. He’s an asshole on the best of days. I don’t need his million and one questions.”

The fact she even contemplated going to Lucian meant she was seriously interested in exploring how she felt about kink.

I would have loved to have someone I felt comfortable with to take me into Violent Delights the first time I stepped inside the heady energy of the club. I’d been so excited and overwhelmed. Having someone with me would have eased my anxiety.

“Okay. But it will have to wait until next week sometime. I need to put the finishing touches on the showstopper.”

“It’s about time. You’ve worked on it nonstop for the last few weeks. I guess that means I’m coming in for fittings soon.”

“I have a few last touches to add, and then I’ll call you in.”

“So, back to my request. Do we have a deal?”

I sighed. “Yes. Once I feel I’m at a finishing point, I’ll take a break, and we can visit the club.”

Lizzy wrapped me in a tight hug. “Thank you. Now I can relax. Oh, by the way, Mom’s on the terrace outside the kitchen. She said something about wanting to talk to you. You might want to go in there. She’s probably annoyed since our talk took longer than I expected.”

“Thanks a lot for the advanced warning.”

Lizzy gave me a sheepish smile. “You’re welcome.”

Just as I left the room, she added, “Oh, by the way, she’s in a weird mood.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know how to explain it. Something seems different about her. It’s not our normal mom. Like she’s fragile, maybe she’s getting sick. Who knows?”

“Okay, I’ll go see what’s up.”

* * *

“You wanted to chat with me,” I said to Mom as I strode onto the terrace with a cup of coffee and a warm blueberry muffin.

Mom set her mug on the table before her and glanced in my direction. “Come sit.”

Taking the seat across from her, I settled in and waited for the conversation to start.

I took in her appearance, noting Lizzy’s observations were spot on. Mom’s demeanor today was different as if she’d forgotten to slip on the mask she wore daily as her shield.
