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“The last time I saw her. She was over there, accounting for everyone against the admission log.”

Everything inside me clenched when I couldn’t spot Lizzy.

As if sensing my thoughts, Clark asked, “You don’t think she went inside to find Lizzy?”



Where were Lizzy and Foster?

I scanned the crowds gathered in various areas outside of Violent Delights, trying to make out the different facial features of the people around me.

The air was thick with a sulfuric scent brought on by the continuing blaze running rampant in the building, making my eyes burn and easily breathing was a hard task to accomplish.

Clark ordered everyone to check in with me during the headcount process. He had tasked me to keep me from running after Damon when he sprinted into the building to play the hero.

Lizzy and Foster were supposed to be out here. So why couldn’t I find them, and why hadn’t they followed directions and checked in?

Worry crept in as I searched for Damon, too.

This whole disaster made no damn sense.

In all the years of the club, why today? What could have happened to cause this fire?

A loud crackle sounded in the distance, followed by an explosion. Out of instinct, I ducked, covering my head with my hands, and crouched near a parked car.

Debris flew into the air, but fortunately, it was in the opposite direction of where everyone gathered.

My heart thumped into my chest as I stood and realized the fire shot high from the area where Damon and I were only an hour earlier.

I continued to search my way through different groups, not seeing any signs of Lizzy or Foster.

I spotted a house submissive that I recognized and ran toward her. “Milly, have you seen Foster? He was with my sister. I can’t find either of them.”

Milly’s eyes widened, and her face drained of color. “Oh, no. This is bad.”

“What? Tell me where they are.”

“They were in the costume room trying on different outfits.”

“Why is that bad?”

“The only way to access that part of the club is through the kitchen or the accessway in the performance rooms.”

My hands shook. That was the area where the explosion just came from.

“What if they’re still in there? I have to find out.”

“Are you crazy?” Milly grabbed my arm. “Master Damon will kill me if I let anything happen to you.”

“That’s my sister. I brought her here. I’m responsible for her. I’m going in no matter what you say. Damon doesn’t have a choice.”

“Please don’t do this.” She searched around her as if she could find someone to keep me from following through with my plan. “It’s dangerous.”

“Do you have siblings?”

“Two younger brothers and one older sister.”
