Page 82 of Own

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My hold on her forearms tightened, homing in on her mask-covered face. Recognizing her eyes, and then dread shot through me.

“Go, now. This roof will collapse any minute.”

As if not hearing me, she said, “I have to figure out a way to get you out.”

The determination in the voice made it seem as if there were no other possibilities. But I knew the truth. I wasn’t getting out of here.

“Sophia, what are you doing here?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Rescuing you.” She tucked something soft under my neck and head, easing some of my discomfort, shifted from under me, and then rose, picking up the large searchlight she’d set on the floor and attaching it to her hip.

I tried to grab hold of her, but I realized my grip wasn’t as firm as I believed.

“You need to leave right this second.”

“Maybe in a few seconds, if not this one. Is that the perfect compromise?” The scraping of furniture on the ground reached my ears. “Then you can come with me, too.”

“That’s not a compromise.” I clenched my fists, hating how weak and useless I felt. “God knows what is pinning me to the floor, and I’m positive I broke or shattered my foot. How the fuck am I coming with you?”

“Watch and see.”

Was she out of her mind?

“I’m ordering you to leave.”

“You’re in no position to order me to do anything.”

I resisted the urge to grit my teeth, knowing I’d regret it. “Want to tell me what’s keeping me locked in place.”

“It’s fitting considering our escapade from earlier in the evening.” I heard tearing and a screech as if she was grinding something.

“No need for the dramatic pause.”

“Hold on. Let me do this, and I’ll tell you.” She muttered under her breath as she wrapped some fabric or rope on the contraption holding me down.

Once finished, she exhaled and said, “It’s a Saint Andrew’s Cross and its weight-bearing anchor beam. It fell through one of the second-floor playrooms.”

Of all the things to fall on me, fabulous.

“I think once I get this piece of the bar under the long section, I can shimmy it up.”

“Do you realize how heavy that is?”

“Yes, I do. I just moved it.”

A series of pops came from the storage area, and I only dreaded what might happen next.

“Sophia, run. Please, run.”

“I am not leaving you. Do you think I came in here and went through all this effort to return empty-handed?”

“I’m trying to protect you. Any second, there is going to be an explosion. Those tiny bursts you’re hearing are coming from the bar stockroom.”

“We know how things go when you protect me. I’m handling this my way.”

“For Christ’s sake. Will you listen to me for once? I am fucking ordering you to leave me here and get out right this instant? Do you hear me?”

“Listen up.” Suddenly, she appeared two inches from my face, her eyes ablaze with fury. “You don’t get to tell me what to do? I am not losing you. Do you hear me?”
