Page 89 of Own

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“Come here,” Damon commanded, snapping my attention to him.

Slowly, I stepped up on his good side, staying out of arm’s reach. He may have a concussion and a broken foot, but his arms worked perfectly well.

As if sensing my thoughts, he said, “Afraid I’ll turn you over my lap and spank you for ignoring my note?”

“What note?” I moved closer to him, my fingers skimmed across the blanket covering his non-injured leg.

“The one forbidding you to come see me.”

“Oh, you mean that piece of paper Leo took from Daphne’s hands? Once Leo and Lucian read it and I finally took a peek, I decided it was merely a suggestion.”

“How did you come to that summation?”

“If it was a directive, you would have kept it private and sealed the message in an envelope. Since you left it open for anyone to read, I took it as sexy banter, nothing more.”

An amused crease formed between his brows, and he shook his head. “Your logic is fascinating.”

“Can I assume that’s a good thing?”

“Yes, it’s a very good thing. I’ll never be bored with you in my life.”

“I promise to keep things on the level of fashion shows and the occasional events, nothing too wild as the fire from earlier today.”

“I’ve seen your fashion shows. They aren’t tame by any measure.”

“That’s how I roll, Damon Pierce. Take it or leave it.”

“Are we in a negotiation?”

I sat on the edge of his bed. “It does look that way.”

“Are you my submissive, Sophia Morelli, or are you still exploring?” The way he asked that question kicked up my heartbeat and sent a shiver down my spine.

With him, I could be anything I wanted—always me in any form I deemed. I was safe, accepted, wanted.

He had to know I was his—his submissive, his brat, whatever he wanted to label it.

However, it didn’t mean I wanted to stop discovering aspects about myself.

“I’m always exploring, Mr. Pierce,” I said, seeing his green eyes go molten.

“Only, ever with me.”

“Only, ever with you.”

He smirked. “So you aren’t going to fight me on it.”

“On what?” I couldn’t hide the confusion on my face.


“Marriage?” I asked.


To my surprise, the thought of matrimony no longer frightened me. I’d walked away from Damon knowing my worth and what I wanted and expecting nothing less.

I wouldn’t lie to myself and discount the influence of my conversation with Mom. We’d broken down a concrete wall that seemed to have separated us from my birth. I saw her, understood her better than ever, and realized she dreamed of so much more but accepted her reality.
