Page 44 of Cruel Saint

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“Goddamn,” Gideon grunted as he tore away, his chest heaving.

I’d never seen him so unhinged. So out of sorts. Up until now, he’d always maintained complete control over his emotions. Even when he took out my attacker, he did so with cold indifference.

But now, there was nothing indifferent about the way he looked at me.

His eyes blazed with intensity, his nostrils flaring with each ragged breath. His jaw clenched tightly, revealing the tension coiling through him.

With a primal growl, he slammed his lips back to mine, taking my mouth as if he owned it.


Every inch of my body responded to his touch as he explored my curves with his skilled hands.

“This dress should be illegal.” His words came out in a throaty whisper against my skin as he teased a trail of harsh kisses from my lips and along my neck. “Do you have any idea how fucking hard I’ve been all night long?” His carnal eyes locked with mine. “All because of how goddamn stunning you are.” He cupped my cheeks, his fingers digging into my skin to the point it was borderline painful. “How goddamnconfusingyou are.”

I parted my lips, about to ask what he meant by that. But before I could, he erased the little space between us, his mouth a breath away.

“But I don’t care about any of that. Not now. Not when it’s been so fucking long.”

His lips fused with mine, and he walked me backward until my legs hit the desk. Moving his hands to my ass, he hoisted me onto the surface and forced my legs to straddle him. A moan slipped from my throat when he thrust against me, each movement pushing me higher and higher.

Making me desperate for more of this complex, intriguing, mysterious man.

“Gideon,” I whimpered as he dragged his hand up the inside of my leg.

When he reached the apex of my thighs, he darted his fiery eyes to mine, our labored breathing the only sound in the room.


“Yes,” I exhaled.

“Are you telling me that, all night long, as I’ve watched you in a way that bordered on obsession, there’s been nothing underneath this dress?” He ghosted his thumb against my center.

I cried out, but his touch was gone in a heartbeat. I attempted to squeeze my legs together, find some sort of relief from the throbbing ache, but he wouldn’t let me.

“Tell me, Imogene.” He cupped the back of my head.


I’d tell him anything right now if it meant he’d touch me.

“Is there a reason you’re not wearing any panties?” He brought his lips to the column of my throat and peppered rough kisses along the skin. I wouldn’t be surprised if I woke up tomorrow to find my flesh red and riddled with bite marks.

“Lines,” I managed to say. “I didn’t want any panty lines.”

“And I hoped you were going to say it was so there’d be no barrier when I did this.”

Before I could utter a response, he dropped to his knees and yanked me to the edge of the desk. Hiking up the skirt of my dress, he dragged his tongue up my center.

Relief flooded my veins, but it only lasted a moment before a renewed craving built inside of me, growing stronger with every swipe of his tongue.

“So delicious,” he murmured. “So fucking wet.”

He looked up at me, his lips coated with my desire. “Say it’s for me.”

“It is,” I exhaled, digging my fingers into his hair.

When my nails scraped against his scalp, he groaned, pushing my thighs even wider and easing a finger inside before adding another one. I braced a hand on the desk, needing to feel somewhat grounded when the tantric rhythm of his tongue lapping at my clit made me feel like I was flying, each thrust of his fingers causing euphoria to crackle over me, a bomb on the verge of detonating.
