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“I’ve got a hot date waiting for me. But you wouldn’t know about that.”

He doesn’t flinch. “License and registration, please.”

“Jesus, fuck. You don’t have that shit memorized by now?”

“For the amount of times I’ve run it, yeah, I do. But you know, humor me, Bill. Gotta do things by the book.”

“Does the book require another sit down with my parents?”

He watches me, face unreadable, as he opens my door. “Get out.”

“I’m not getting out of th-”

He grabs my arm and pulls as he retorts, “Undo your belt and get out of the truck.”

His breathing is steady, and he doesn’t appear distressed. Unlike me; I’m breathing heavily and starting to sweat, but I do what he says, unclipping my belt and stepping out, stumbling my steps as he pushes me to the back of the truck, slamming my door as I go. I lean againstthe tailgate. “Don’t fucking push me! I know you’re trying to make me look like I can’t fucking walk.”

“You sure as shit can’t fucking drive. Don’t move.”

He steps a few feet away from me and speaks into the radio on his shoulder. “Officer Hunter. I’ve got a 502 off Main, about a mile down from Moose’s. Requesting back up.”

I push off the truck. “Backup? What the fuck, Vince!”

He meets me halfway, grabbing one arm and wrenching it behind my back, spinning me and pushing me against my truck. He grabs my other and brings it around, as well. “Mr. Casanova, you’re under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and wi-”

“Hunter! Fuck!” I try to shake him off my back, but he only pulls tighter before throwing the cuffs on me.

“It’s for your own good, Billy. I won’t be the one to scrape you off the road. Let’s go.”

He walks me back to his patrol car and sits me in the back seat. The silence envelops me with the click of the door, and I slouch in the seat, Adam’s words echoing in my head. He’s right. Maybe I am better off alone. A woman doesn’t want to deal with my shit.

Not a good one, anyway.



“Girl, you dodged a bullet.”

Entering Chelsea’s house, the one across the street from her boyfriend because she refuses to move in with him, I slide onto the stool at the counter, taking the wineglass she just poured for me. I spent the week at mom’s house and didn’t hear from Steve once, and now I’m not sure why he came here last week since all we did was fight. That, on top of listening to my mom whine and moan about how awful men are, makes me want to only focus on my book boyfriends.

“What are you talking about?” Sipping the fruity wine, my latest story runs through my head like a movie, and I see chapter after chapter on a loop. I love when it happens like this, it means I’m passionate about it, and I can’t just put it aside because I need to let the words flow. I know where it’s coming from and it’s another reason I’m sticking around the town of Christmas. I’m kind of glad my sister needs me.

“Billy got arrested for drunk driving last night.”

Choking on my wine, I grab for a napkin and wipe my chin. “What! Seriously?”

“Yeah. Jackson came home for the weekend, so they all went to Moose’s. They both said there was something off about him, that he was drinking hard, and he started mouthing off at Adam. When Adam confronted him, he took off.”

My head swirls. I’ve been looking forward to the little run- ins we’ve had in town. Not to mention they give me more inspiration. But hearing this? I knew he liked to drink, but I didn’t realize it was such a problem.

“Does he have a problem or was this a one off?”

“He reminds me of Dad.” She drops her eyes and swirls her glass on the table, lost in thought.

“Chels, no. I don’t see that. He wants to party, he’s a kid-”

“This isn’t the first time,” she interrupts, hurriedly. “Adam is concerned, to say the least. Officer Hunter has spoken to their parents about him, and it seems he’s brought Billy home a few times, without running it through the station. But this time, he said he just couldn’t. He had to call it in.”
