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Struggling, I flutter my lashes and give a quick glance. I can make out his silhouette amongst the bright lights, but I immediately shut my eyes again.

“Okay, okay, don’t struggle. I see you. We’re here and we’re going to get you out. I’m going to cover you with this blanket and the fire department is going to cut your truck. We’re going to pull you out slowly, but don’t move. Just lay as still as possible.”

My eyes remain shut, and I honestly don’t care what happens. Pull me out, or don’t, I’m not worth anything. I cause nothing but stress for my family. I hear what they say. I see the looks that are passed between them. It’d be best for them all if I wasn’t here. Tom left me easily, and Adam is so wrapped up with Chelsea and being dad’s favorite. Francesca is busy in her senior year of college, and Jackson is in the NFL. Everyone has their own thing going on. They don’t need me, and they won’t miss me either.

I’m the loser of the bunch.

“Clear! Pull him now!”

Groaning at the sudden sharp pain shooting through my body, I want to punch the next person I see, but my arms won’t move. My eyes won’t open, but I hear them.

“Jesus Christ. Someone get Adam on the phone!”

“Dammit Billy, stay with me! Don’t you fucking leave us!”

Shuffling continues, I feel myself lifted and placed back down. There is a rolling sensation. It’s almost like I’m floating.

“Don’t make me be the one to call your parents. Don’t make me tell Frank and Janet you’re not going to make it. Fuck, Billy, don’t you do this! Don’t you fucking do this!”

As usual, I’m being blamed. It’s always what I’m not doing for myself or what I’m doing to everyone else.

A sudden jolt has me groaning in pain. I can’t keep my eyes open. I don’t care what happens; the pain is so strong I just want to sleep.

The last vision to cross my mind is a woman with long dark hair, fascinating green eyes, and skin that feels so unbelievably soft underneath my fingers.



21 Years old

Three years earlier

It’sa typical Saturday night and we’re all hanging out in my parents’ backyard. Some friends of each of my siblings are with us and we’re having a relaxed night. A little music, some food, lots of drinks. Our house was always the go-to spot for parties growing up, and my parents made sure we were safe. They may not like the extracurricular activities, but they were understanding that we needed an outlet, and they provided a place for us to let loose.

Tonight, we’re celebrating Adam and Chelsea’s graduation from college. He’s convinced her to move back with him and live here with us, and I’m glad. I like Chelsea; she’s accepted my wild ways and has never given me shit about it. I love to give her a hard time and she has just as much fun returning the favor.

I remember the first time we met. Adam brought her home the weekend Tom and I graduated High School. We thought we were kings of the world that night, and she fell right in alongside us, goingshot for shot, beating us at Beer Pong and then serving us all pizza at one in the morning.

Chelsea didn’t think twice about how I acted or the things I said. She didn’t see me as the wild twin my hometown does, the one brother who will never grow up. She just went along for the party with me. She even watched me run through women, but never once criticized me.“One day, the right girl is going to come along and she’s going to knock you out. Mark my words, Billy!”

I don’t believe in all that, though.

But the part of that night that won’t ever leave my memory was learning my twin brother, Tom, had just enlisted in the Marine Corps. He shocked us all with that announcement, and I’ll admit to giving him a black eye when he broke the news to me. I was so angry he wanted to leave me because that’s what he was choosing to do. He was choosing to leave me, and the thought of him never coming home terrified me.

I’m still scared. He’s my twin brother, and we’ve been inseparable all of our life. And he’s been my babysitter, so I guess he’s sick of me and my bullshit ways. He told me he has someneedhe wants to fill deep inside himself. Yeah, I get that. I fill my need with alcohol and women.

I guess twins really are different underneath it all.

“Party’s here!”

Glancing at the voice entering the yard, I do a double take as the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid eyes on comes in waving around a six-pack, almost causing me to spill my beer. I could do without the Jersey shore reference, but nothing can take my eyes from this chick.

Long dark hair, almost black. Green eyes that I can see from across the yard and a body that won’t quit.

But that smile.Wow.

And behind her? My oldest brother’s girlfriend, Chelsea.
