Page 106 of Falling

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“What do you mean you’re about an hour in?” I ask.

“We’re on our way, brother,” Wyatt says. “Think we’d let you face this without us?”




I wake up, still exhausted, but shocked that I slept at all. There are no messages on my phone, and I drag myself out of bed and get dressed. My hair still looks decent from yesterday, so I pull the front and sides into a messy bun and leave the back down.

On the plus side, I barely notice my burns hurting at all as I get dressed. They’re still showing, but finally startingto fade.

Figures now that Callum isn’t here to see me naked.

I try to abolish that thought as soon as it comes into my head. I don’t want to cry today, for one thing. And I can’t think about Callum without crying, so I don’t need to think about him seeing me naked or otherwise.

Thoughts about our wedding and all the nights we spent together have a mind of their own though, and they play in my head on repeat.

I bundle up, saving my work gloves that I’d found out in the barn the day before for last. Right before I slide them on, I get Junior’s ring out of my backpack and slip it into my pocket. Seeing it is just another reminder that I have no emotional attachment to this ring or the person who gave it to me, while the one I left at home feels like something precious is missing. When I step outside, I’m glad the day’s a touch warmer. The emus are excited when they see me. Stan even comes around and is friendlier. I get their food and water ready, my old habits coming back to me like I’ve never been gone. After I’ve cleaned a bit, I step outside and run right into Junior.

He grins, looking me over, his nose curling when he sees my work gloves.

“I don’t know how you can stand those things. They’re disgusting,” he says.

Determined to not let him force me into a spiral, I move to walk past him. He takes a step sideways, blocking my path.

His hands grip my arms and he smirks. We’re almost at eye level. I straighten up, shoulders back, knowing he doesn’t like it that I’m almost as tall as he is.

“Let go of me,” I say, my eyes defiant.

“You got awfully brave in Colorado. I prefer the old Ruby. The one who lived in her own little world and only thought about emus and weddings and decorating crappyRVs.” He laughs. “It’s no wonder that thing broke down. It’s trash.”

“You pretended to be amazed by myskillsanddetermination.”I roll my eyes when I throw out the words he used. “Was there ever a time in our relationship that you meant what you said?” I shake my head. “You know what? I don’t even care. Let go,” I say through gritted teeth.

He pokes his lips out and looks up like he’s in deep contemplation. And he doesn’t let go.

“I meant it when I said you have nice tits…and that your ass is—”

I try to shove his hands away and he grips me harder, his jaw clenching and his eyes flaring with lust and fury.

“Get your hands off of my wife,” Callum’s voice barrels next to us.

I let out a surprise sound, and Junior and I both turn to look at Callum.

He looks like an avenging god, his chest rising and falling as he towers over Junior.

“What the fuck did you—” is all Junior gets out and part of that is muffled when Callum shoves him away from me and punches him in the face.

Junior goes down and Callum barely looks winded.

Why was I ever afraid of what Junior could do to Callum?

“Did he hurt you?” Callum asks me.

I shake my head. Junior scuttles back and tries to wipe the blood away, and when he stumbles to his feet, he keeps his distance from Callum.

“I’m calling the police,” he yells, pulling out his phone.
