Page 112 of Falling

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The guys elbow each other, eyes twinkling in mischief when they look at Callum.

“This is gonna be so fucking fun,” Sutton says. “Seeing you this way…God, it’s stillshocking.”

Callum grumbles. “Whatever. Don’t forget I can wipe the floor with you just like I did Junior.”

“Mm-hmm. You’re too lovesick to even think about hitting us,” Wyatt says, cracking up.

“Don’t test me,” Callum mutters.

But his lips twitch and the room echoes with the sound of their laughter.

I don’t think this place has ever seen so much joy.




After Kess leaves, my brothers hang out a little longer, going over barn ideas and ways to keep the emus warm enough until we can get something new built for them. They tolerate snow for short periods, so we’ll need something large and warm for those snowy, extra-cold days. I hope it’s a good move for them. If not, Ruby’s open to figuring out a new plan for them, but Dolly’s done great in Colorado so far. We talk until we’re all yawning, the night before catchingup with us. They reserve a couple rooms at a hotel not too far away, and Ruby keeps apologizing for not having enough beds for everyone here.

“Don’t worry about us. We’re fine,” Wyatt assures her. “I could sleep on the floor right now, honestly, but a bed will be better. We’ll get out of your hair, let you guys raise the roof.”

I bop him over the head and he just laughs. Ruby fans her face and tries to cool her cheeks.

“And before we separate for the night, let’s let them tell everyone back home,” Sutton says, pointing at his brothers.

Wyatt lifts his hands. “I haven’t said a word. But Marlow and Dakota are going to be thrilled.” He grins.

“Same here. Sofie’s already crazy about you.”

“I feel bad that I didn’t tell Scarlett when we were together yesterday,” Ruby says.

“She might give you a hard time for a minute, but she’ll be too excited to make it a thing,” Sutton says.

Theo nods. “If she’d known we were driving here in the middle of the night, she would’ve been on our doorstep, demanding we make room for her too.”

“I love her,” Ruby says softly. “All of them. I can’t wait to get to know all of them better.”

They take turns hugging her and then me.

“Can you tell we have a hard time with goodbyes?” I say under my breath.

“We’ll see you in the morning,” Theo says, moving toward the door. “You know…I wish you could take your time on the way home—this is supposed to be your honeymoon.” He lifts his hands up, grinning. “I don’t have a lot of experience with emus, but I’m certainly willing to try.”

Ruby shakes her head. “I trust you so much more than Junior and the people who were supposedly helping out here, but no, there’s no way I’d do that to you. Besides,”she says, grinning up at me, “we’ve been away for a few days now, and I’m missing home.Andwe have a party to plan.”

I tug her toward me, bending down to kiss her.

“Andthat’s our cue,” Sutton says. “Night, you two.”

We stand in the doorway, watching them drive away. I rub my hands over her arms when she shivers, and I shut the door behind us. We walk into the kitchen and put the trash in a garbage bag to take with us the next day.

When we’re done cleaning up, she leans her elbows back against the counter, her long legs stretched out in front of her.

“My room or Jolene?” she asks.

I grin and mimic her stance across from her. “Wherever you’re most comfortable with me doing wicked things to you.”
