Page 33 of Falling

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She sets up the scissors and comb, a little pucker in her brow, her teeth worrying her lip as she concentrates.

Her lips.I could get stuck on them all day.

My sigh is more than a little exasperated.

She looks up at me, amused. “Oh, come on. It’s not as bad as all that huffing and puffing you’re doing over there.”

“I’m second-guessing this decision,” I mumble. “You look eager to chop.”

She grins and walks around me, assessing my hair.

“I’m trying to decide if I should go drastic or just take a little length off and thin it out some. You have such great hair. But you’re covering too much of this face.” She bites her bottom lip again and my jeans tighten.

Not the best idea I’ve had, this haircut…although it sure feels fun right now. She’s leaving tomorrow, why not torture myself tonight?

She spritzes my hair with the spray bottle she rushed to get from her room once she knew I was serious. I had no idea females carried around all these supplies. I thought we’d use the scissors I keep in the kitchen.

Her next spritz lands in my eyes and she gives me a mischievous look when I blink up at her.

“Oops,” she says.


She giggles and I search for things to think about to offset the rager in my pants, somehow landing on rank cheese and Delphine’s gas. It only minimally helps because once Ruby’s hands slide through my hair and she steps in closer, all bets are off. I barely breathe for the next few minutes as the sound of the scissors takes over, and then she starts humming a perky melody and that’s all I hear. She smells like a heady combination of vanilla and chocolate that sends my senses on overdrive. My hands itch to reach out and swipe her hair over her shoulder, to trail my fingers down her neck and bury my face in her breasts.

I clear my throat and shift in my seat.

“You getting antsy?” she asks. “I’m sorry I’m in my own little world with your hair. I hope it’s okay that I’m going for it.” She laughs and shoots me a slightly guilty look before staring at my hair again with an almost wistful expression. “And it is lookingsogood.” Her teeth press into her plump bottom lip and I can’t look away. When she realizes I never answered, she pauses and glances at me. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I rasp out.

She swallows hard and I follow the movement her neck makes, only to be drawn to her pebbled nipples right in front of me. They weren’t like that a second ago. My jaw clenches and I close my eyes. What is this anguish? Am I really this bad off? This desperate for a woman that I can’t even function like a normal human being? What is wrong with me?

My eyes remain closed, although the images my mind creates aren’t any purer.

It’s been almost two weeks under the same roof withRuby, and granted, I haven’t ever lived with a woman or spent this many consecutive days with one since…college…if then? But that’s no excuse for the gutter my head is in.

She leans in and I catch an extra trace of her sweet fragrance or maybe that’s just her skin. My eyes fly open and she’s between my legs, so close my hands could simply lift up to get two handfuls of her faultless ass.

Fuck. Me.Everything my brothers have said about me is true. I’m a fucking caveman.

I exhale raggedly, sweat breaking out.

“Are we almost done?” I ask, cringing inwardly at the raw need in my voice.

Her hands glide through my hair and I feel like the goats when they’re leaning into a good ear scratch. My hair feels a helluva lot lighter.

Ruby smiles down at me. “You look sleepy.”

“I assure you, I am not.”

I don’t miss her sharp intake of breath, her chest rising and falling as we stare at each other. Her eyes dance like she has a secret.

“I’m done,” she says softly. “Go see what you think.”

I stand up and her mouth parts for a second as she looks me over. We hang there suspended, and for a moment I wonder if she’s feeling this charge between us too. She blinks and clears her throat before dusting hair off my shoulder.

“I’ll sweep this up. Go look,” she says.
