Page 38 of Falling

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She calls back within five minutes. “Sorry, I was in the shower. Your parents are already on their road trip. Your mom said it was going to be epic.”

I groan.

“Are you really not coming back?” she asks. “I miss you.”

“I miss you too. I just need some time. But I can’t really imagine being there anymore, not with the way things are now.”

“Yeah, I get that.”

“And you’re not going to be there for much longer anyway…”

She sighs. “Maybe I should reconsider transferring to UCLA in January.”

“Don’t you dare. You can’t wait to be in California. You’re not staying in Utah longer for me…especially when I’m not even there!”

“I’ll help with the emus for as long as I can, but I think you should talk about it with your followers. They’ll help you. Who knows, maybe you’ll find a place to live. At the very least, they’ll help you get back on your feet. It’s not like you to just give up.”

“Ouch.” But I nod like she can see me. “You’re right. I could be doing more.”

“I mean, you’re a runaway bride who doesn’t even seem hurt. You’re the strongest person I know,” she adds.

I make a face. “I think I might be broken, not strong,” I admit. “And I think I wasn’t particularly hurt, except for my pride, because I didn’t love Junior the way I should’ve.”

“You tried to tell me and Aunt June that,” she says. “We should’ve listened.”

“It wasn’t up to you to decide any of that.” I fall back on the bed. “I better go. I need to get ready and create some kickass content that’ll change my situation.”

“That’s the spirit,” she says, giggling. “Love you, Ruby.”

“I love you too. Thanks for calling me back…and for checking on things over at the farm.”

“I’ll let you know how things are looking once I’m there.”

We hang up and I message my parents, asking them once again to please check on the emus and to help me figure out what to do about them. I take my time getting ready. I’d intended on making an extra special breakfast for Callum on my last morning here, but it’s better this way. I humiliated myself last night and this morning…it’s definitely time for me to go.

When I go downstairs, the house is silent. There’s a pot of coffee and the scrambled eggs are covered on the stove. I heat them a little and eat quickly before going outside. I stop in my tracks when I see Callum outside.

Chopping wood.

I fan myself and then I hold my phone up and hit record.

And after I feed Dolly and try to avoid running into Callum, I step into Jolene and edit the video.

It starts out with a video of my emus at home, and the first seconds say:When I realized my fiancé didn’t want me…

And the next video is Callum’s ripped arms and chiseled body as he chops wood. Over that, I write:I needed a change of scenery.

It’s not my typical content, but it’s effective.

Two hours after I’ve uploaded it, I’ve got five hundred thousand views.

A few hours after that, two million.

Callum’s gone viral.


