Page 40 of Falling

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In a big family, it’s normal to be compared to your siblings all the time. At least I guess it is since that’s how it’s been with ours. I’ve never minded it. Everyone in town, and even within our family, talks like it’s a given that Sutton is the man in charge. He’s a judge, he gets shit done, everyone listens to him. Wyatt is the smart one who saves lives. Theo is the charmer who saves animals, and Scarlett is the beautiful life of the party who is such a people person, she could’ve run the lodge by herself at sixteen if Granddad hadn’t been such a control freak.

And then there’s me, the grouch who dabbles in anorganic dairy farm. Or to the critics, the owner of the geriatric bovine retirement home.

The only thing people take seriously about me is that they’d rather not get stuck next to me at a party because I sure as hell won’t be bothered to make small talk.

I’ve been content to have the focus on everyone but me. That’s the way I like it.

But there’s something about hearing that Ruby prefersme.

I don’t know why it makes something warm settle in my chest.

“I’ve been working on a few branding ideas for you. Maybe I could show them to you sometime soon…I need to make a few more tweaks before I’m ready to show you.”

“That’s…thanks. Yes. I’d love to see.”

There are a few beats of awkwardness as she moves past me.

“Is Pierre picking you up?” I ask when she reaches the door.

“No, I called an Uber driver.”

“Ruby, I could’ve dropped you off. I’m supposed to meet Grinny over at The Pink Ski anyway…”

“Oh, it’s okay.” She laughs and she’s more nervous than I’ve seen her in days. “I’ve already put you out enough.”

“It’s no trouble, Ruby. If you need a ride or even to borrow my truck—just ask. As you know, I’m a homebody. I’ll be at the farmer’s market on Saturday, but other than that, no big plans.”

“Except your date with Grinny tonight,” she says, smiling.

“Except that.” I grin.

She glances at her phone. “The driver’s here. I better hurry.” She walks to the door and looks at me over her shoulder. “This isn’t goodbye—I don’t know why I’m sad all of a sudden.”

“You know where to find me.” My voice is hoarse and I clear my throat before adding, “See you around, Ruby Sunshine.”

“See you around,” she says.

“I can’t stop staring at you!” Grinny says, clasping her hands together. “Your hair hasn’t been this short since high school. I absolutely love it.”

I laugh. Doesn’t surprise me one bit that Grinny’s thrilled about my haircut. She’s never given me a hard time about my messy hair, but she’s strongly hinted at how she misses seeing my eyes. They’ve never been in hiding, so the only assessment to be made is that she thinks my hair is too long.

“You don’t look like a serial killer at all,” she says.

I laugh. “That is some high praise,” I tease.

Her shoulders shake as she laughs. “You know I never thought you did anyway, but when Scarlett told us what Jamison had said about you looking like a cross between a model lumberjack and a serial killer, it sorta stuck, didn’t it?”

“Idiot,” I grumble.

She gives my shoulder a nudge.

“Language,” she says, laughing again.

I pull into the parking lot, glad Grinny made a reservation. The place is hopping as usual this time of year.

“Go ahead and order dinner if you haven’t eaten yet,” she says, as I open her door and help her out of my truck. “I took a nap, so I’d be good company this late.” She pretends to be offended when I chuckle. It’s only seven fifteen. “But you know me—my appetite is conditioned toeat by five, so I’ll be eating dessert.” She laughs and pats my arm.

“I think I will. Sorry, I couldn’t meet you earlier. My packaging for the milk and cheese came in and I knew if I didn’t work on that until it was done, I wouldn’t be ready for the farmer’s market.”
