Page 44 of Falling

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“You had your hands full taking care of the emus. I swear, you were running that farm when you were five years old.”

I laugh and nod. “You’re not wrong. And seeing how busy you’ve been here, it means all the more that you’ve always made time to come to us.”

“I gave up on begging my sister to bring you or to let you come on your own.” He gives me a look. “But I can’t believe you didn’tknowI’d be at your wedding.”

“I should’ve. I’ve been on autopilot for a long time now. The business…” I shake my head. “I—”

“Excuse me, are you that girl on TikTok with the RV andemus?” Two girls my age or a little younger stand near our table, looking excited.

One of them is wearing myOwn Your EmutionsT-shirt.

I flush. It never fails to both thrill and embarrass me when I get noticed in public. I’m used to it happening at home and even in the bigger cities in Utah, but I can’t believe it’s happeninghere. Landmark Mountain is small and cozy, but the amount of traffic to get here tonight was intense. I’ve heard we’re deep into tourist season, and after tonight, I believe it.

“That’s me,” I say, laughing. “I’m Ruby.”

“Oh my God. I knew it,” the girl says. “It’s great to meet you. We are huge fans…I’m Ana and this is Mae. When we saw The Dancing Emu, we had to come here. I can’t believe you’re here! This is my favorite shirt,” she gushes.

“Will you be restocking the Emused hoodie?” Mae asks.


“Yay,” Ana says. “I love your RV stuff too, but the emus get me every time. Would it be okay if we get a picture with you?”

“Sure.” I look at Uncle Pierre. “Would you mind taking our picture?”

He looks delighted as he shoots me a look and holds out his hand for their phones. “Of course I don’t mind. I’m the proud uncle,” he tells the girls.

“And the owner of this place,” I add.

The girls get on either side of me.

“We love this place,” Mae says. “Oh myGod, I can’t believe we’re meeting you!” she squeals.

I laugh. “It’s great to meet you both.”

Uncle Pierre takes a few pictures and then tells them to check to see if they’re okay.

“Ooo, I love that, a professional photographer uncle too,” Ana says.

Uncle Pierre cracks up over that.

“These are so good,” Mae says, looking at her phone. When she puts her phone in her bag, she glances around the restaurant. “So, is this where that hot guy you posted lives? Wow.” She fans her face. “Whew.” And then she makes a sympathetic expression. “I was sad to hear you’re not with your fiancé anymore, but good riddance if he didn’t appreciate you, know what I’m saying?” She leans in closer. “And I can see why you’d move on with that guy.”

“Oh, I haven’t moved on with anyone,” I jump in.

“Well, youshould,” Mae says. “He’s giving me total Conrad Fisher vibes.”

Ana frowns. “He’s like a thousand times better looking than Conrad Fisher. And aman.”

“Iknow,” Mae says emphatically. “I said the Conrad Fishervibe. That aloof, moody, so hot-they-can’t-even-be-bothered thing that we love.”

I try so hard not to laugh.

“Who is Conrad Fisher?” Uncle Pierre asks.

Thank you. I wanted to ask, but I’m glad he beat me to it.

“The Summer I Turned Pretty?” Mae says.
