Page 45 of Falling

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“Oh.” Uncle Pierre still looks confused.

I file it away to look up when I get home. I haven’t had time to watch or read anything in such a long time.

“Thanks again. I’m glad you’re as nice as you seem in your videos,” Ana says.

“She’s the best there is,” Uncle Pierre says.

“Thank you. That’s really kind.” I wave as they walk away and look back at me one more time.

“And you’re famous,” Uncle Pierre says, clapping. “Junesaid you get recognized all the time in Utah, but I love seeing it with my own eyes right here!”

“Semi-famous in a very niche category.” I laugh.

“You cannot possibly downplay that. She was wearing your merch!”

I put my hands on my cheeks to cool them off and it’s a good thing, because his next words are, “They were talking about Callum, weren’t they?” He holds up his hands. “I promise you I’m normally up-to-date on all your posts, but I got a little behind with being out of town. What have I missed?” He does a little shimmy in his seat.

“Nothing.” But my face flames even hotter as I think about the night before. Those sounds he made. God. It was…I put my glass of iced water against my cheek and take a deep breath, looking around to make sure there are no Landmarks nearby. “Yes, I posted a video of Callum.”

“He is exceptional, isn’t he? They all are.” He sighs. “But those oldest two get my heart rate pumping a little extra. I don’t know what it is exactly—Wyatt and Theo are gorgeous and absolutely wonderful, but Sutton and Callum…” He shakes his head. “They couldn’t be more different from one another.” His eyes bulge comically. “Sadly, they’re as straight as that shelf hanging over there.” He points to the bar and I turn to look, nodding in approval when I see how straight it is. “One of the few times I’ve ever used a leveler.” He winks. “So tell me everything.”

“Uh, there’s really nothing to tell,” I say.

It’s not like I can tell him I can’t stop touching myself since arriving at Callum’s house.

And I’ve heard what he sounds like when he comes.

And I’ve grown to love waking up at 4:45 in the morning because I know I’ll get to see him first thing.

And his excitement over chocolate pie is the cutest thing on EARTH.

“What is that smile?” Uncle Pierre smirks. “Spill. I’ll understand, trust me. I’ve had my fair share of crushes on older men…how much older is he than you?”

“Nine years. But I wouldn’t say I have a crush on him.”I totally have a crush on him.“Callum has been amazing. I don’t even have enough nice things to say about him. The way I showed up here and he opened his home to me…longer than he expected.”

Uncle Pierre cringes, mouthing,Sorry.

“No, please don’t keep apologizing. I threw everything off with my escape.” I laugh. “But he’s been so…chill about the whole thing. Even about Dolly, which could’ve sent him—”

“Who’s Dolly?” he interrupts.

“Oh…yeah. Dolly.” I make a face. “So it was really hard to leave all my emus…I still don’t know what to do about it and have got to start figuring it out, but…there was one emu I couldn’t leave. Dolly. She’s here with me…I’d thought she could go in your barn, but…you don’t have one.” I laugh awkwardly.

“Oh, honey,” he says. His face quickly brightens. “But Callum has plenty of room? And she’s getting along with his crew?”

I nod, unable to keep the huge smile from taking over my face at the thought of Dolly with the cows and goats. “She fits right in. If I gave in to what I wanted to post every day, it’d be a gold mine.” I laugh. “I’ve taken it slowly since I’ve been his surprise guest, but it is nonstop fun over there with the animals.”

And like those girls said, the hotness factor is off the charts with Callum around.

“I’d love to see that,” he says, chuckling. “I’m not asking this to put any pressure on you, because goodness knows, I’d love to see you stay right here forever…but do you have any idea of what you’re doing next?”

I fall back against the back of my stool. “My battery still isn’t in for the RV, and I can’t exactly travel with an emu. Not for long anyway. Callum has said she’s fine staying there, but he can’t possibly be okay with that for any extended period of time.” I lean against my hand, suddenly more overwhelmed than I’ve been since I got here. “Everything I’ve made has gone to keeping the farm going…and the wedding.” My eyes get blurry as I try not to cry. “Which feels really stupid right about now.”

Uncle Pierre has scooted closer and his own eyes fill as he listens. He’s always been so sweet, so empathetic.

“Junior isn’t going to take care of the emus, so I need to figure out good homes for them…and a place to live.”

“You’re welcome to stay with me as long as you like,” Uncle Pierre says.
