Page 46 of Falling

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“Thank you. I know you mean it too, but you’re not even in the house anymore…how much room do you have at your condo?”

He opens his mouth and closes it, waving his hand. “We’ll make do. And the house is booked solid for the next nine months with different renters, but I’ll cap it there. You can move in there late-summer and in the meantime, we’ll work on barn plans.”

“No. I can’t ask you to do that.” I shake my head. “I love you for offering, but I—”

“I insist,” he says. “Sweetheart, we will work it out. Don’t you worry. Now that I’ve got you here, I really don’t want to let you go. Come see my condo. We’ll figure it out.”

His condo is beautiful. Clean, decorated so cute, and onlyone bed in the place. And it’s not that I’m picky, but his couch isn’t even a full-sized one that I could stretch out on.

When I set my overnight bag next to the couch, he shakes his head and moves it toward the bedroom. “You’re in here.”

“Uncle Pierre…”

“I don’t want to hear it,” he calls over his shoulder.

I’ll stay here tonight, but tomorrow I’ll have to come up with a new plan.





I’m sorry to waffle on this, but I’d like to take you up on that offer to check on Dolly tonight. I’d really hoped I could get back over there after we left the restaurant, but Uncle Pierre and I stayed later than I expected and just got to his place. We’ve had a lot to catch up on.

I read her text a few times before answering, trying to read through the lines to see if she’s upset or surprised about Pierre’s condo.

Finally, I text back.

I’d be happy to.


Thank you so much, Callum!

I groan, swiping my hand down my face. Why does an image of her smiling at me, thanking me for the umpteenth time as she tugs her sweater over her head fill my head so clearly?

It hasn’t been long since I got back from dinner with Grinny, and I can’t believe how empty the house feels without Ruby. I hurry out to the barn to check on things, stopping to see Dolly last. She comes up and nuzzles my hand, but keeps checking the door to see if Ruby is there.

“You’ll see her tomorrow,” I tell her.

Dolly does her drumming sound.

“Yeah, I miss her too,” I say softly.

Dolly amps it up and I nod.

“I know. It’s weird how she fills up the space with all that…joy. Didn’t know I was into that sort of thing,” I admit.

Dolly comes over and stares at me, unblinking for a few long beats. When she moves in closer, I don’t know whether to back out quickly or to stay as still as possible. I opt for the latter, and am in for a sweet surprise when she turns and rests the side of her face to my chest.

“Well, this is sweet,” I whisper.

I reach up and pet her the way Ruby does and she stays there next to me for a few minutes. When she backs away and walks to her bowl to take a drink, I clear my throat.

“I’ll see you in the morning, Dolly. Sleep well, okay?”
